Chapter 44- A Pregnancy Test?

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Brandon's POV

The weeks pass after Ana and I date at the beach, we went on dates a few times and hang out with the guys. I'm always busy with work and training that I barely see Ana during the evening.

I am currently walking to the school entrance when Nikki walks up to me looking very worried.

She says, "meet me at the girl's locker room after your training later, I really need to tell you something", walking away quickly.

Stephanie rubs her back and glances at me, she gives me a warm smile. I see Ana talking to Gregory and laughing, I clutch my fist to try and calm myself down.

Gregory is a nice kid and doesn't really talk to girls except for Ana and Arlene, girls always want his attention.

I walk over to them and Ana hugs me, she says, "I really miss you, next time you are working, I am coming and spend time with you."

I nod.

I take her to the janitor's closet and we make out, I say, "nothing would get between us, Ana."

She nods, looking into my eyes.


Anastasia's POV

I walk into class with a smile on my face, Justin point at my lips, it is swollen.

I shrug and sit down between him and Luke.

He whispers, "looks like you and bran were doing something, don't worry I wouldn't spill, but I expect something in return."

I roll my eyes, "what's that justice?"

He smirks, "let's see, there's that free pizza for the rest of the year and that's all I got."

I sigh, "fine, free pizza", he smiles.

The teacher comes in and starts to teach, final exams are in a few weeks, which I am ready for already with being the nerd that I am.



Brandon looks distracted while playing with his food.

I frown, "everything okay?"

Snapping him back to reality.

He nods and Justin glares at him but says nothing. Nikki keeps watching our table with a worried expression or more watching Brandon.

Arlene says, "I am getting a bad feeling that something happened during the Halloween party, but I can't remember what", she frowns.

I say, "Brandon eat something please", he sighs and opens his mouth.

I feed him, while the boys rolled their eyes and Jordan making puking faces.

Carlos breaks the silence, "I have faith that we'll do good in our project Anne", I nod, we work really hard on that project.

Jack calls Brandon and he gets up, kissing me on the lips and mumbles, "I'll see you later, okay?"

I nod.

When he leaves, Luke says, "something fishy is going on or something bad is going to happen soon, don't you guys feel it?"

We all nod and it has to do something with Brandon and Nikki.

I walk into the lab and sit down in my seat.

The teacher says, "okay the results are...

"Juliet and Daniel, a C+."

"James and Cherry, a B."

"Blake and Isabel, an F because apparently both of you were doing something other than the project."

Everyone snickers and Isabel blushes the teacher continues.

"Carlos and Anastasia, an A, excellent job."

We high-five each other and the teacher calls out the rest of the results. Then we get into the lecturing for the next hour.


Brandon's POV

After practice and everyone leaves, Nikki and I are the only ones left.

She says, "come with me to the restroom please", I sigh and follow her.

When we reach, I wait outside the stalls and text on my phone, a few minutes later she comes out with a stick in her hand.

She rests it down by the sink and says, "have a look."

I look at it and it says, "positive", I frown, "what's that?"

She mumbles, "a pregnancy test."

I gasp and exclaim, "what?!"

She screams, "a f*cking pregnancy test Brandon, I am pregnant!"

Shit, what am I going to do with Ana now? Her father would kill me.

I ask, "how long did you know?"

She looks at the ground and says, "last week and you're the father because it's only you, I slept with during the party", I sigh.

I muter, "I thought you were on birth control pills?"

She starts to cry, "I missed one, I didn't know you wouldn't wear any protection."

I snap, "I was drunk Nikki, f*cking drunk, how was I suppose to know that we were going to do it?"

I storm out of the restroom and out of the school, Nikki shouting after me. I unlock my car and got in then speed off, I need time to think.

Nikki is pregnant for me, I can't let Ana know well at least not now or until I know Nikki is telling the truth. I drive over to Jack's house, Ana will see me tomorrow, I can't face her right now.

I park my car and get out, I knock on the door and Blake opens it.

I sigh, "guys I am in deep trouble right now."

Blake lets me in.

I told them everything that Nikki told me.

Jack says, "shit you're in a lot of mess alright, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes right now."

I ask, "what to do? I don't want to be with Nikki, I am in love with Ana."

Blake says, "tell Nikki to get an abortion, no one has to know she's pregnant for you, you see, problem solved."

I ask, "what if she wants to keep it?"

Jack replies, "well all I got to say is good luck mate because I know Ana's friends will kill you once they find out", I gulp.

I get a text from Ana

Baby: Hi Brandy, do you want to come over? I am bored

Me: I would love to, but am kind of busy right now

Baby: Oh okay, well tomorrow then

Me: I have to work tomorrow evening

Baby: You barely have time for me, are you cheating on cheating me? You said that nothing would get between us

Me: I am not

That's a lie because I did since Nikki being around me last month

Baby: Okay see you tomorrow, love you

Me: Love you too

My heart is starting to break because I would hurt Ana very bad, it's just a matter of time.


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