Chapter 47- Drama part 1

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The week passes like a blur, rumors are still going around to know who the father of Nikki's baby is and Brandon barely talks to me, my relationship is turning out all wrong, can things get any worse?

I wake up at 7:00 am for school I have to pick up Arlene today and my dad would be home tonight alone, no Stacy.

I put on a pair of long pants and a V-neck top, my hair in a ponytail.

Brandon wouldn't text and I feel like he's hiding something from me, but don't know what.

I go to the kitchen and get my breakfast, Freddie says, "I barely seeing Brandon, is he around?"

I didn't answer because I really don't know my boyfriend anymore and that bitch Nikki keeps hanging around him.

We are supposed to hang out tomorrow evening, but he's busy and I am sure he is not working.

I pick up Arlene and drive to school, it's Friday so I'm sure there's a party somewhere.

Arlene says, "I heard there's a party at Brandon's house tonight."

Funny, I didn't get the news.

I park in my usual spot and get out, Nikki and her friends are hanging around the boys and trying to flirt.

I say, "hi hoes, they're not interested in you, get a life."

Stephanie walks up to me, "just because you hang out with these guys doesn't make you popular."

Arlene snaps, "yes it does bitch!"

Stephanie slaps her, everyone gasps.

I scream, "you bitch!"  

I jump on Stephanie and starting punching her in her face and aiming for her nose. Someone pulls me off her and I turn around punching the person, I gasp it is Brandon.

He holds his nose and says, "that's how you repay me, thanks Ana", then he leaves before I can apologize.

Stephanie is lying on the ground crying and holding her nose, her two friends are trying to assist her.

The crowd gets the attention of the principal, Mr. Johnson.

He walks over and demands, "what's going on here? Why is Stephanie on the ground and her nose is bleeding?"

Everyone stays quiet.

Jordan says, "well she was focusing to do her make-up and trip over her exact high heels and fell straight on her face."

Mr. Johnson says, "that still doesn't explain the black eye and bruises?"

Jordan continues, "it's a very complicated fall", he smirks at Stephanie.

Stephanie says, "he's lying, Mr. Johnson, it was Ana who did this."

I point at myself and play dumb, "Me? I think you got a concussion, Stephanie, go check that out in the nurse's office."

Everyone chuckles and she gets up.

Mr. Johnson says, "let's go Stephanie, and get you clean up, everyone else, get to class."

Everyone else continues what they are doing, my friends and I laugh as we enter the school.

I say, "good excuse Jordan."

Jordan brags, "don't ever underestimate the master of lying, it took years to come a pro."

I didn't see Brandon for the whole morning after I accidentally punch him.

Justin says, "Hi Anne, we are going to the party, no buts", I sigh.

I am going to regret going to the party, something is going to go wrong, I can feel it.

Lunchtime rolls in and still no Brandon and it's a coincidence that Nikki isn't in the cafeteria as well.

Jacob asks, "do you think it's a coincidence that Brandon and Nikki aren't in the cafeteria?"

I nod, it had to be a coincidence then again I am starting to not trust Brandon.


Brandon's POV

After Ana punches me, I leave and went to my class Biology waiting for the bell to ring.

Nikki comes in just as it is about to, she sits next to me.

She says, "I am keeping it and you got to tell your 'girlfriend' soon, or else I will."

I sigh, "I will just give me time."

Nikki states, "you got till Monday."

I open my bag and see the ultrasound, I bought it since it wouldn't be safe home.

Lunchtime I go to the city to eat and Nikki follows me, just great. I go to the pizza place where I work and eat.

My manager says, "hi Brandon my delivery man, what's up?"

I say, "I want a small pepperoni pizza and a soda please, you can take it out of my paycheck", he nods.

I sit down and get on my phone looking at the picture of Ana and me together on the beach.

Good memories.

Nikki says, "Brandon", I groan, you got to be kidding me.

Why wouldn't she leave me alone? Just because I am the father doesn't mean I want to be with her.

I say, "hi Nikki", trying to play nice.

She sits next to me and begins to touch my arm, I'm trying not to snap.

My friend comes with the order he frowns, "Is this your girlfriend Brandon?"

Nikki says, "actually yes, we met from way back and I am pregnant as well", patting her stomach.

I roll my eyes and my friend looks surprised.

I say, "she's not my girlfriend."

My friend laughs glancing at me, "Right, but how do you explain how's she pregnant?"

I am about to answer, he continues, "well you probably had to be drunk and didn't have a clue what you were doing."

That's what happened exactly.

I say, "but that's what exactly happened."N

Nikki frowns at me.

My friend says, "good luck mate" then leaves.

Nikki says, "I didn't want people getting a bad idea", I pick up my box, then stand up.

I say, "oh, but they already did", then leave her with her thoughts.


Brandon will be exposed soon don't worry.

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