Chapter 17- The Best Eighteenth Birthday In All Of Birthday History

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Carlos leaves at 9:30 am after breakfast, saying his mother needs him at home and he'll see me tomorrow at school. Brandon didn't spend the night, his stepfather was home and wanted to see him.

It's now 12:30 pm and I now finish making some cookies just as I hear a vehicle pull up in the driveway, the engine turns off and the slam of a door must be Trina.

I take off my apron and go to open the front door, I open it and see Trina taking out her luggage from her vehicle. She is wearing a tight dress, that hugs her curves reaching mid-thigh, with heels, her hair in a bun with hanging earrings.

She watches me, "hi Anne, come help me would you?"

I sigh and walk down the platform to the driveway. Trina hands me her suitcase and a big purse, I drag the suitcase to the house.

When I reach inside I put the suitcase by the stairs, she'll drag it up the stairs.

Trina says, "wow three weeks together, this is going to be fun."

I reply sarcastically, "yay, I am happy."


She sniffs the air, "I smell cookies, Anne."

"No shit Sherlock", I mutter.

Trina snaps, "stop with the sarcasm, I am not here for your games, I bet you still don't have friends."

I say, "I have seven actually, all boys."

She laughs, "never, you can't have more guy friends than me."

I smirk, "oh yeah? You only have one, one you'll sleep with or flirt with then the next day they're old news."

She opens her mouth then closes it back. She walks into the kitchen, I go outside by the pool.

Trina comes out and says, "I am going to the beach and catch up with some friends, do you want to come?"

I say, "no thanks, see you later."

"I'll be back by 9:00 for the latest."

When she leaves, I text the boys immediately to come over and hang out, they agreed.

Fifteen minutes later

I hear talking coming from the front of the house, I open the door and come face to face with Jordan.

"Where's that cousin of yours?" He asks.

"At the beach, so no disturbance for at least eight hours", I answer.

Luke had a mini music box in his hand and Kyle has drunk in a small cooler.

Justin says, "let's get this mini friend pool party started", everyone walks inside.

I run upstairs to get my camera and into a bikini then go outside where the guys are.

I say, "group picture", everyone gets together and I take the picture out.

The boys are shirtless and I am in my bikini, so the picture comes out good.

"Send that to me", Jacob states.

"Don't worry, you'll get it soon."

Justin asks, "what do you want for your birthday?"

I say," a day exploring the city whole day and a credit card for unlimited shopping when I start college."

Jacob says, "don't worry, you'll going to have the best eighteenth birthday in all of birthday history".

I smile at him.

he adds, "let's get some music DJ Luke", I laugh at Luke's nickname.

Luke puts on the music and everyone starts dancing, I just videotape them and laugh. Then I take off the camera and order pizza, while waiting, the guys and I play spy, childish I know, but this is our last year together.

The pizza delivery guy arrives, it is Brandon, he smirks, "having a friend party I see, too bad I wasn't invited."

I feel bad.

He adds, "that's okay, Justin and I don't get along anymore."

I say, "I understand you don't have to explain, I just want my pizza."

He hands the pizza to me and says, "our next date is on Wednesday at 7:00 pm, be ready and wear something long."

I nod, pay him and close the door.

Kyle asks, "what took so long?"

I shrug, "the pizza guy."

Justin says, "it was Brand, you should know that Kyle by the way she is blushing."

I hit Justin on his shoulder blushing and the guys laugh at my embarrassment, then my phone rings.

I say, "hi dad."

"What you doing?"

"I am just hanging out with the guys by the pool."

"Guys? What guys?"

I roll my eyes as the boys all watch me.

"My friends, the ones you met already."

"Oh those six guys, okay, if Luke is there I am good."


"I talk to him already and he's a nice guy."

I watch Luke and say," he sure is."

"Well I'll call you tomorrow, bye love you"

"Bye, dad and when you come back there's someone I like you to meet."

"If it's your boyfriend use protection"

I blush," he's not my boyfriend, dad, well at least not yet."

All the guys' attention is on me now.

"Whatever you say, sweetheart."

He hangs up and I sigh.

Jordan coos," aw daddy's little princess is all grown up."

I roll my eyes and open the pizza box, taking a slice. Kyle and Jordan jump into the pool making a big splash.

Luke says, "hi you wet up to my phone."

Jordan rolled his eyes.

Kyle says, "it's waterproof, you idiot."

I laugh.

Justin takes a slice and eats it, he asks, "so your cousin, how is she?"

I say, "you would have known her, she was Stephanie's BFF last year, she was a senior."

Justin frowns, "you mean that slut, who always wore short skirts, has blonde hair and Stephanie following her all about?"

I nod, "yep, the one and only."

He says, "she's a worst than Stephanie I think Daniel slept with her that's what rumors said, I don't know if it's true."

I remembered hearing something like that last year, when I was in the library, two girls were talking about it.


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