Chapter 40- Care To Explain This?

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Anastasia's POV

I wake up at 7:00 am, I decide to wear a pair of skinny jeans, a tank top with a jacket, and heels. I get ready and put on my clothes, I brush my hair and put on make-up. I snatch my bag, keys, and phone before leaving my bedroom.

I walk down to the large kitchen, my dad is sipping coffee and tea reading the newspaper.

Freddie is making scrambled eggs, I greet them, "good morning", sitting down by the table.

My dad answers, "morning."

Freddie mutters, "morning."

I eat while I update my profiles then kiss my dad goodbye. I walk into the garage and unlock my BMW then get in.

When I reach school, I see Brandon and his friends hanging out by his car and Nikki very close to him. I lock my car and storm over to them just as Jackie and Stephanie block my path.

I say, "move it bitches, I have some business to attend to."

Jackie says, "you're not wanted here nerd, so you better head the other direction."

I stand up to them, "sorry, but I am going that way", pointing behind them.

Stephanie says, "well Brandon is too busy flirting with Nikki."

Is she blind?

I say, "you need glasses because it's Nikki who is flirting and Brandon is so annoyed, he's clutching his fist. I bet she's smelling stink with all the guys she did it with all night and didn't shower."

Arlene laughs behind me and I turn around, all the guys and Arlene are smirking.

I push them and walk towards Brandon, who is now looking at Nikki. I say, "good morning, oh boyfriend who cares so much about me."

Note the sarcasm.

Brandon looks at me and smiles, but it's a shy smile.

Nikki glares at me and says, "Hi Ann, I didn't see you yesterday in school, did you get sick?"

I nod, "yeah sick of seeing your face."

Brandon smirks crossing his arms.

I grab Brandon and say, "let's go, lovely boyfriend, history awaits us", ignoring Nikki.

She shouts, "I'll get Brandon soon Ann, mark my words, you haven't seen the last of me!" I roll my eyes.

The boys follow behind me, as I drag Brandon with me inside.

He says, "I am sorry Ana, I really am", then starts kissing me.

People gasp as Brandon jams me against the lockers.

Jordan says, "wow the nerd is making out in public."

Someone laughs.

Brandon pulls away from me I open my eyes, the principal is standing between us, he says, "okay break it up, no making out in the hallway."

He leaves and the boys chuckle, the bell ring. I have P. E, not history, I just wanted Brandon away from Nikki.

Brandon asks, "what subject do you have?"

I reply, "P. E with Justin and Luke."

Brandon says, "I have social studies with Blake", I nod.

We go our separate ways, Justin says, "there's something strange going on between Brandon and Nikki."

I choose to ignore that sentence, but it's bothering me inside.


After school

I walk into the parking lot with Arlene, she waits by Kyle's car for him to come.

I say, "well I am looking to leave, bye Arlene."

She is listening to music, so she couldn't hear me.

Someone shout my name, I turn towards the direction the sound came from and I see Gregory running towards me.

I say, "Hi Greg, thanks for the gift, it's the best." h

He nods.

He begs, "I need a ride home please, my friends ditched me."

I nod and he opens the front door seat.

I get in and see Nikki with her phone in her hand smirking, this is not good. I drive out of the school and ask Greg for his address. I pull up in front of his house it is a three-story, but small, not as big as the twins, but still comfortable.

He says, "thanks for the ride Ana, see you tomorrow", getting out and shutting the door.

Then I drive home, I see Brandon's car park by the sidewalk opposite my house this cannot be good.

I park in the garage and walk inside, I see Brandon texting on his phone while sitting on the couch.

Freddie whispers to me, "he came a good while now, Mr. Montez went out for a while."

I nod and walk into the living room, sitting next to Brandon.

He snaps, "care to explain this?", showing me a picture of Greg and me talking, then one with him getting into my vehicle.

I respond, "he asked me for a ride home, that's all, how did you even get the picture? Because the only person who had their phone out was Nikki, does Nikki have your number?"

He sighs and looks away, he says, "yes, it was necessary because we had the project to do."

That bitch try to set me up.

I snap, "while you accuse me of helping a friend, you texted my enemy behind my back?!"

He defends, "she just sent the pictures that's all."

I laugh dryly, "I bet she sends pictures of herself as well", he sighs.

I add, "I need to think, please leave."

He says, "Ana I-"

I cut him off, "now!"

He gets up, looks at me, and says, "I will never cheat on you", then leaves.

Why do relationships always have problems?


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