Chapter 41- Halloween Party Part 1

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Today is Halloween and Jack is having a party tonight, which I am not going to because the boys and I are going to frighten children in the neighborhood.

I walk out of my room and down the stairs. My dad is out on a business trip, so it's just me and Freddie are home. I like him and he's bringing his niece over to meet me later before she goes to a party.

He said that she goes to my school and obsess with one direction.

I greet Fred, "good morning Fred", he smiles.

He says, "morning Anastasia, are you ready for Halloween?"

I smirk and nod, "of course, the boys and I are going to scare people that's what Halloween is about anywhere, right?"

He replies, "just make sure no one gets hurt or serious heart attack."

I roll my eyes.

I look at the clock at 7:40 am, got to hit the road.

I say, "well I am going, thanks for the tasty breakfast and I can't wait to meet your niece."

He's about to answer when his cellphone rings.

I leave and go to get my motorbike and helmet then I speed off down the street into the main road.


When I arrive at school, it looks different.

Halloween decorations, people dress up and the student body council is giving out flyers for the party tonight at Jack's house and the president, of course, is Stephanie.

For the first time, she's wearing skinny jeans and a tank top, her hair in a bun.

She walks over to me, with her friends.

She says, "Hi Ana, here's a flyer, see you at the party", handing me a flyer and fake smiling.

I reply," I got better things to do than attend a party which is host by a bunch of sluts", flipping my hair and walking off.

Brandon puts his hand around my waist and says, "someone is behaving naughty."

I shrug, "they asked for it."

The boys arrive and are dress up, even Arlene.

She says, "Hi BFF, g are you going to the party tonight?"

I shake my head she pouts, "boo you're a party popper."

I say, "I have plans with the boys", winking at her.

Brandon frowns at me.

I say, "not that kind of plan", kissing him on the cheek.

Jordan comes on the other side of me and says, "it's Halloween and tonight bloody Mary would appear."

I smirk.

Jacob says, "I am going to scare some freshmen, you in Jordan?"

Jordan smirks, "I wouldn't miss it for the world baby."

He leaves with his brother to the left side of the school.

I shake my head and I walk inside, on the walls, there are posters and decorations of Halloween.

I walk to my locker and open it, suddenly a clown pop out of nowhere frightening me. I scream and jump back, earning giggles from girls who are passing, I hate clowns, a note was stuck onto it.

It reads,

Happy Halloween Ana, do you like my prank?

From yours truly,


The only person that runs through my mind is Carlos, how dare he?

Brandon laughs, "Carlos is really good I can't even get you to be frightened."

I shrug.

The bell rings and I head to class Chemistry without Carlos who is apparently busy with a Halloween prank.

Every year he pulls a huge stunt, last year, he dressed up as a killer and frighten students in the hallway, In sophomore year, he frightened a teacher who got a heart attack.

As we walk to our classes I ask Justin, "what do you think Carl is planning this year?"

Justin shrugs, "but it's going to be huge because it's after all his last year here", I nod.

I stroll into the lab taking my seat, ignoring my classmates.

The teacher walks in, she says, "since today is Halloween, we are just going to revise what we did last class."

My classmates are relieved, the teacher sits down behind the desk, takes the role, and goes on her laptop.

The lights start to blink and an eerie noise came from the speaker, frightening some people, well mostly the girls.

A jock says, "that's Bloody Mary coming to get us all, one by one", knocking on the desk.

A girl starts to tremble and her asthma starts to act up alerting us.

The teacher who looks terrified suggests, "why don't one of you guys take her to the nurse's office?"

I smirk well done Carlos.

When the blinking stops, there's banging of pans over the speaker scaring the crap out of us then the lights come off leaving us in darkness, I hear screams around me.

The teacher says, "okay everyone, leave in an orderly fashion", but no one listens, everyone fights to get out.

When I finally get out, I see my friends waiting by the cafeteria entrance.

Carlos says, "now that's how it's done", he smiles with pride.

The principal says over the speaker, "okay everyone, please go to the cafeteria or the field and stay there till we sort out this problem."

I walk to the cafeteria and sit down at our table, Brandon, and Jack joins us.

Brandon says, "wow this prank is way better than last year."

Jack replies, "yeah I got to thank the prankster for getting me out of an algebra quiz."

Carlos just smirks, crossing his arms, and lay back in his seat.

I say, "well he's right here", smiling at Jack.

Jack says, "really?" watching all the guys, then stop on Carlos who is now grinning and watching us.

Jack shakes his hand, "thanks man, I got an extra two days to revise for the quiz", Carlos nods.

Three Hours Later

The electricity is back and it's lunchtime. We didn't leave the cafeteria so I play on my Ipod, listen to music on my phone and play truth or dare with the guys.

Stephanie and they are planning for the party and not trying to solve the situation for the electricity, why they voted for her president anyways?


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