32. Graphic*

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Vladimir held her close, a few of the lords sat at the dining room table. They looked up from their meals, their eyes glued to Tricia's weak looking form, wrapped in the blanket. She was being held like a child.

Vladimir ignored them all, making his way towards the kitchen. "Am I dying?" Tricia finally spoke up, as Vladimir sat her on the counter. "No, you're not." He mumbled digging through a drawer. Finding the item in question, he looked up to see Tricia had moved from the counter and walked through the door to the dining room.

He quickly followed her, watching as the lords dared not move. She stood at the head of the table, staring down it. One lord finally stood, walked over and hugged her close. She collapsed, passing out cold.


"What am I supposed to do?" Came Vladimir's voice. "She's not turned, not completely. It's possible, if you've been feeding from her. She'll desire the taste of your blood. It's the only way to complete her transformation." A loud thud sound echoed. Tricia sat up on the couch, noting she had on a dress. "She's human..." Came another's voice. "She's not human anymore, she's become a hybrid of sorts." Came the elder sounding voice from before.

Tricia gulped down saliva, feeling a slight tingling ache in her throat. She listened to them talk.

"Lord Vladimir, she is going to be okay. But she will eventually have to drink your blood and become whole." The second voice spoke, the first seemed to scoff. "If she's left as a hybrid, over time it will turn her crazy." The second continued. The first growled. "She'll be fine, it's not like hybrids have a long life anyways. She will probably turn human again." The first spoke. Vladimir sighed. "She's human but not human. I have a decision on to turn her completely, or kill her?" Tricia's hands tightened, surely he wouldn't choose to kill her.

"If you turn her, she will never see her family again. She would have to be kept away from them. Really it'd be a mercy killing her." The first spoke so surely. "I don't wish to die..." Tricia mumbled, standing up and walking to the doors. "She doesn't have to die. Lord Vladimir. I beg of you." Tricia realized it was Alfred's voice speaking.

The sliding doors were pushed open, making them all jump in surprise. "I don't wish to die.." Vladimir stood, walking over and hugging her. "You won't." He whispered.


Hours later and Tricia's eyes were still red in color. Vladimir laid in bed, staring up at the canopy. Tricia sat on the edge of the bed, silence filled the room for so long.

The sun was setting outside, the snow shimmering like diamonds. "Are vampires dead?" She finally broke the silence, Vladimir took a deep breath in. He gently touched her arm, she was warm. He was slightly cold. "Not dead, simply immortal. I and many others have survived on little to no blood." Tricia fidgeted with the hem of the dress.

Vladimir smiled, but only slightly. "Would you like to be like me? To be soulless and living forever?" He'd ask her, she looked at him. "You don't wish to turn me, I'll be tainted in your eyes." Fresh tears threatened her eyes. Vladimir sat up and hugged her close. Burying his face into her neck. "You're a beautiful rose, nothing could taint you." He whispered into her ear.

Using a nail, he sliced into his arm. He placed the open wound to her mouth. The scent of his blood made her grow wet. Her nîpples even grew slightly hard. She licked the blood that appeared, moaning softly in pleasure. Vladimir groaned softly, as she began to suck at the wound. His blood flowing over her tongue and down her throat.

His free hand was pushed downward, by her. He trailed it up her thigh, pushing her skirt up. He had forgotten to put panties on her, his fingers rubbed over her püssy lips. She was drenching wet, and it seemed to beg. Her head fell back into his shoulder as his fingers dove between those lips. His fingers rubbed over her clît. He rubbed her several minutes causing her to scream in pleasure.

He shoved three fingers into her opening, gaining a moan. He grinned and bit into her neck, her blood flowing into his mouth. He groaned swallowing her blood. She neared her climax and was crying out loudly.

Suddenly she gasped for air as the pleasure took over. He released her neck and howled out a growl of ecstasy. He hadn't felt something so intense with another, not even Sarah.

Granted he never had a full mate before. Tricia panted for air, trying to come down from the intensity of the orgasm. Vladimir laid her back and kissed her lips deeply. His tongue rubbing over hers.

He licked her teeth and felt where her fangs were. He smiled as he pulled back. He moved between her legs and rubbed himself on her. She whimpered and groaned. "I'm yours..." She purred, as his hardened cöck filled her hole. Her legs wrapped around his waist, the pleasure making his chest burn.

He thrust into her, her moaning with pleasure. He bellowed out a growl of dominance. His fingers gripping her wrist, squeezing tighter as he neared his climax. He continued to thrust into her, her screaming out. Just as before she gasped for air. One more thrust and an intense orgasm took over him. His fangs sinking into her neck, drinking her blood.

Of course, she returned the favor. Her new fangs breaking the skin on his neck, sinking in. She swallowed down his blood.

The two seemed to break apart, and curl as close as they could to one another. Vladimir fell asleep, as did Tricia.


The next morning, Vladimir awoke. He could feel satisfaction that he hadn't felt before. He looked to Tricia and smiled. She looked so peaceful, her head on his shoulder.

He touched her face gently, thanking the gods she wasn't cold. Human's that get turned, they turn into those cold lifeless monsters! Vladimir sighed and looked away a moment.

Tricia awoke and her eyes returned to normal. Even her throat no longer ached and burned. She pushed herself up, rubbing her eyes. "Do you feel different?" Vladimir asked, as she smiled to him. "Different how?" She tilted her head. Her eyes had returned to their blue color, the hint of green with gold flakes.

He smiled, noting she looked human more than vampire. Perhaps the hunter's blood in her helped with that. "I mean, do you feel less human?" Tricia thought about it, unsure of if she felt different or not.

She studied the floor, trying to think of an answer. "It's alright if you don't. I'm sure not many do." Vladimir smiled to her. But the truth was, in a way she did feel different. She could hear the maids cleaning in the next room. Imagines were high def in her vision. She hadn't realized how many wonderful smells could fill a castle up. She closed her eyes, she also hadn't realized his touch. It was sweet and gentle. She had to wonder if he'd be rough with her, especially if she's a vampire like him. Was being rougher actually gentle feeling.

So many thoughts ran through her mind. Her stomach began to growl. I'll get back to you on that. She thought and hurried to get dressed.

Vladimir chuckled but got a pare of sweatpants on. Tricia hurried to the kitchen.

Alfred was fixing eggs, toast, bacon, and pork chops. "Good morning, your school work is laid out in the dining room. I've got breakfast almost finished, and a wine glass of red noir ready." Alfred flashed a kind smile to her.

She sniffed the blood but set it aside. "I'd rather have coffee please?" She side glared the glass of blood. "Oh, most certainly. Coming right up." Alfred began brewing coffee as well.

Vladimir snatched the glass up, purring almost at the scent of it. "You don't want it?" He looked his beloved up and down, drinking in the sight of her in shorts and a tank top. "Am I supposed to want it?" She tilted her head. Vladimir wriggled his nose but shrugged. "Suppose not." He shrugged again, drinking the blood for himself.

Tricia ate her breakfast happily, drinking her coffee. She had French vanilla creamer, she was happy.


Well the long awaited chapter. Decided that 2000 words for a chapter is gonna be to difficult and I really don't wish you all to have to wait so long. Still I hope you're enjoying it thus far!

Remember to vote please! Tootles.

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