3. Transylvania, Romania.

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Tricia was lead to her cabin in first class, she remained polite to all attendants who only wished to help. She placed an order for a snack and curled up in her cabin. Her earbuds in, she listened to her music. Which mostly consisted of classical piano music.

The flight seemed to pass by without much trouble. Before she knew it, she looked out her window to the village of Transylvania. She took a deep breath in and smiled big. Home... I'm home.. She thought silently.


The Valentine castle loomed over the village like a monster. Rumors all over that something or someone still resided within the castle.

A pulse filled his body, a breath of air sucked into his lungs. It was as though life was pushed back into his body. Vladimir shot up like a rocket, his black hair falling over his face like a veil. He breathed hard. His eyes were red, and a fang hung over his bottom lip. He felt a presence. A presence he hadn't felt in almost two hundred years.

*back with Sarah*

The plane landed and as she walked out she looked for any sign that the school might have sent someone. It took a minute or two. But she finally found the person. She wore a school uniform, the girl had blond hair that was down to her lower back. Pulled into a fashion like she had a headband on. Tricia approached and smiled. "Just the one I'm looking for." The girl spoke, her accent was thick with Romanian. They climbed into the limo and off they went to the school.

A Sealed Fate (Watty's 2017)Where stories live. Discover now