1. America.

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Tricia had just returned home from school, walking from the end of her driveway. She sorted through the mail, until she flipped to the one for her. Her eyes lit with excitement, as she clang the mail to her chest and sprinted towards her house. She dropped the mail on the table for her parents, taking hers and running to her room.

She quickly got changed and opened the letter. Her blood pumped quickly, her heart rate seemed to speed up with excitement.

Within this envelope was her fate. It was to a college in Transylvania, Romania. It held her fate if she would be going to the school of her dreams or not.

She sat on her bed, her heart pounding. A knock came to her door. "Honey, did you get in?" Came her mothers voice, "I don't know, I have not opened it yet." Tricia stared at the package in her hands, her mother walking in and sitting across from her on the bed.

"Even if you don't get in, sweetheart. You can still go to college here in the states." Her mother tried to comfort her. Tricia shook her head and pulled the letter out. "To whom it may concern, we would like to let Patricia know that we accept her into our school here in Romania. Within the package will be a plane ticket and 5,531.50 US dollars which will be just enough for five thousand euros. Enough to buy everything needed for the school. We will be happy to see you soon."

Tricia rushed her mom out and began to pack. The ticket wasn't to be used until the next nights flight. But her excitement couldn't be compared.

The next day was spent saying goodbye to her family and friends.


Well, this one sucks but will get better in the next chapter lol.

A Sealed Fate (Watty's 2017)Where stories live. Discover now