Chapter Twelve: Layover at the Cove

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Elias's POV

As I held Kayla's hand to guide her through the water, I kept thinking in my mind that it was my fault that this happened. I shouldn't have left her... I shouldn't have...

Elias, don't beat yourself up for that. Kayla's lovely voice filled my head full of regret.

I know, I just, I probably was a bad boyfriend that time... I remarked.

Then she lost it. Again, would you stop beating yourself up?! Look, I'm safe now and it's all that matters.

Alright, I'll stop. But only if you'll hang on to me for the whole ride. I smirked.

What do you mean? Then she was wide-eyed. Don't you mean for the whole quest?

Hypothetically yes.

Sangster! Then she slapped my arm, which just made me laugh again.

Do that to me again and you'll know what's coming. I teased.

Oh man...

I then started playfully slapping back on her arm. Soon, this turned into a game of 'swim and slap'.

"What are those two doing?" Chelsea wondered.

"Telepathically conversing and slapping each other? That's their typical behavior." Carter shrugged.

"I can never understand them and their antics..." she muttered.

"Same, they've been doing this kind of thing since they officially got together." he remarked.

"Again, I'll never understand them. Besides, we have our own daily custom right?"

"Well... not yet since we both now study in different schools but we could start one right?"

"Yes," Chelsea smiled.

"What are y'all three talking about?" Brandon's voice broke up all the conversations, telepathic or not. "Don't tell me they're all about couple customs because you are all making me feel uncomfortable."

All the four of us laughed.

"What do you think we're talking about?" I chuckled.

"Don't want to answer..." he shook his head and swam ahead of us.

* * *

After about an hour of swimming, we're already tired. This merfolk town is only about two hours away and usually, merfolk could swim for two days if they needed to. But we're just normal humans with powers, and according to our experience right now, we could only swim continuously for about an hour before taking a rest.

"How are we this tired already? The energy of normal merfolk wouldn't deteriorate this fast," Amaya wondered.

I groaned internally. I really thought she did a thorough research on that topic, and it looks like she didn't.

"We aren't normal merfolk, that's why," Brandon replied, then I heard a sentence of his thoughts. I don't she did a research on those creatures... She probably just researched a lot of the dryads and all the others that live in the Earth Realm.

"Okay then."

Fortunately, we are near a coral reef garden where one merfolk I know lives. I swam down over to the visible opening to the cove.

"Elias, where are you going?" Kayla asked.

"I know someone who could take us in so we could rest for a bit," I replied.

We finally got to the entrance of the cove. Since there are no such things as doorbells, I sang a note into the entrance.

Wait, he can sing?! Kayla's thoughts entered my mind.

I heard you. I chuckled, to which she reacted by blushing.

A few seconds later, another merman came out. Unlike us, he is a real merfolk with blue-ish skin and fins for ears. One thing that both of us are common with is that we both have gills (though ours will disappear when we transform back to humans), and tails.

"Whoa, he's majestic..." Chelsea awed.

"Yes, he is a real merman and his name is Kailani, yet you can call him Kai." I introduced the merman who just came out. "And Kai, meet my friends Carter, Chelsea, Brandon, Amaya, and my girlfriend Kayla."

"You already have a girlfriend? E, that is really cool," Kai chuckled.

"Do you have any luck with Allurai yet?" I asked. Allurai is Kai's crush, and he's been trying to pursue her for a few months now.

"Not a chance, she's too hard to get." he replied, shaking his head.

"Literally everyone is hard to get. Chelsea and I didn't have the best relationship in the beginning and here we are," Carter chimed in.

"That's good news for the both of you," he smiled at both of them. "Anyways, come in, we can chat more while we're inside."

"Thank you, Kai." I thanked him as we came through the entrance.

"It is no problem, I'll prepare some snacks for the six of you." he said.

We entered the cove and everything looked as organized as the last time I visited, which was months ago before school started and before Kayla became my girlfriend. Now, she is my world and I'll do my best to be with her, forever. Okay, that wasn't related to where we are right now but yes, she has taken over everything of me now and forever.

Now I hear you, Elias. Kayla telepathically remarked.

I knew you'll hear me because I want you to. I teased, to which I got another blushing reaction.

Ahh, please stop...

Never. I chuckled.

"What are you two thinking about?" Kai asked curiously. "Does Kayla read minds too?"

"She can only read mine because of the promise ring I gave her for her sixteenth birthday," I replied.

"She's a keeper then, once you give a promise ring, you are fully committed to her," he stated. "Which is a good thing for the both of you."

Kayla blushes again.

"And she looks cute when she blushes, to be honest." he added.

"I am the only one allowed to say that, so say something that friends would or say nothing at all," I furrowed an eyebrow while pulling Kayla, who's still blushing, close to me.

"Alright, I got it." he chuckled at my own jealousy. "Anywho, I said I'll get you all some snacks so I'll be back."

"Okay," I nodded.

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