Chapter Twenty-One: Entering Merfolk Property

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We each had a small bunch of fire coral in one hand with a pestle in another. You can now realize that the recipe contained many weird instructions. First, obviously, we had to carefully gather four pieces of fire coral using only one hand (with our magic aiding this task) and second, we had to levitate it two inches off our palms and use the pestle to pound them while they are floating in the water. I really have no idea how this is going to be possible but, the four of us are just going to trust our guts.

I looked at the pestles, the corals, and everyone. "Ready?"

They nodded.

"Let's do this."

Chelsea took over from there. "We have never done this before but the most important thing you have to focus on is to make sure the coral is hovering in the water constantly. If you feel that it's floating back down to your hand, use your magic to make sure it stays afloat. Three, two, one, go."

We levitated the corals in the air and with another countdown, we put down the pestles. Like a miracle, the coral only moved out of our hands for a little but the first impact broke them apart a little bit.

"That's a first," Carter commented.

"Keep going, we can't waste any time!" Chelsea exclaimed.

Soon, we gained a rhythm to our coral pounding. Brandon and I fell back at one point yet we were able to catch up. Slowly but surely, our coral transformed into fine powder. Once they did, we still kept them afloat because that what Kai said.

"Alright, what does the recipe say to do next?" Brandon asked.

Chelsea looked hard at the messy handwriting and muttered about how he should take handwriting lessons. "... Other than that, it just says that we have to spread the powder all over our arms. Okay then, I guess."

We did just that. As soon as the powder made contact with our skin, it was absorbed. I waited to see or feel what other changes it'll make. But the only change was that we were given henna tattoos on our dominant hands with somewhat similar styles.

The main point of mine was the moon imprinted in the middle of the back of my hand. Inside, a curved path was drawn between the inner outline and little beads were hanging off, reaching almost to my knuckles. In each of my fingers were different types of rings, starting with my pinky, where a feather-look-alike was attached to a thick henna band. The ring finger had a beaded ring plus a slightly thinner ring below it. On my middle finger, the ring looked more like an arrow with a lace-looking thing attached to it. On my index was interesting because I had a fleur-de-lis attached to my ring. Lastly, on my thumb, instead of a ring, there was a crystal with three dots on the top and three on the bottom.

Chelsea's was similar. Instead of the moon, a flame was imprinted on her hand. Her rings on her pinky and ring finger were the same as mine but on her middle finger was a sword, the tip pointing out. On her index was a teardrop jewel look-a-like attached to a thin henna ring. And on her thumb, a triangular crystal was imprinted, with a dot beside each corner.

Carter's and Brandon's were both similar, they both had swirls of a fountain imprinted on their palms with their respective elemental symbol at the bottom. Brandon had a star while Carter had a little flame.

"Is that is?" Brandon asked.

Chelsea scanned the recipe again. "Yep, that's it. I have to admit, the final product is really nice."

"I agree," I remarked. "Now, can we go ahead and enter this Realm so we can find the time turners?"

"Yes, let's go," Carter nodded.

* * *

We were now at the entrance to the town. The place we are now standing in front of is called the 'Seashell Arch' which marks the border between the town and everything else. This is also where our DNA will be checked and those who usually pass are born of the Water Realm. For us, we have these DNA-manipulating henna tattoos that will help ease out our entry process into the town.

There were two guards standing in front of the arch. They are probably the ones who are admitting and turning people away from what I can tell by observing a group passing the arch and another group turning away with dejected expressions. Gradually, that long line shortened and soon enough, we were in the front.

"Stay still," one of the guards commanded.

We complied. Both guards swam by us, inspecting our heritage using some way to look inside of us. I don't know the actual theory behind it but what matters is that we're hoping those hennas will disguise our true heritage.

"You're in," the other guard said as the two separated from us, admitting us entry.

"Thank you," Chelsea nodded.

* * *

A/N: If you need visual aids of the hennas, I will post them here; just make an in-line comment if you need 'em!

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