Chapter Seven: An Underwater Hideout

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I looked around me. We were inside a bubble, surrounded by water, and in a few moments, it will pop.

"Guys, breathe in as much air as you can. I'll send out oxygen bubbles for you all once this bubble pops." Elias instructed.

All of us followed his instructions. I breathed and held in as much air that my lungs could carry. As soon as I held it, the bubble popped.

Oxygen bubbles. I heard Elias chant in his mind.

A moment ago, I felt water hugging my face like it was trying to claim me as their own, but air got between it and myself. I finally breathed out.

"Is this bubble waterproof?" Chelsea asked.

"I'm afraid not, Chels." Carter shook his head, "You know it's better to make a big deal about your life than your hair right?"

She groaned, then I read her thoughts. "He got me over there... but seriously, why can't these bubbles be waterproof?"

Well actually, they are water resistant... I thought.

True, they are. Not everything can be waterproof. Elias replied. Oh, here comes our guide!

"Whoa, I've studied about them when I was a child but I never saw a real merman before!" Amaya exclaimed.

I tried to hear what the merman was saying but I only saw bubbles come out of his mouth. Before I could ask Elias, I also saw the same bubbles come out of his mouth. Do mermaids and mermen use bubbles as communication or something?

"Or heard one actually," he added to Amaya's comment. "He'll show us where we are going to stay."

The merman waved us over and swam ahead of us, and we followed. The Water Realm may be similar to the Ice Realm but it is very different on some factors. First, it seems endless because it feels that the sunlight reaches all parts of the water, even the abysses down below can be seen from where we are. Second, the coral reefs here are the forests of the Ice Realm. And last but not least, this is Elias's home realm.

As I wandered in my thoughts, Elias held me close while we swam. "And to add to your thoughts, the small fishes swimming in this are the stars of the Ice Realm."

"You are really a pretty nice mind-reader." I complemented.

"Why thank you," he remarked.

* * *

Elias's POV

When our merman guide dropped us off at our hideout (that is what we call them these days), I used the local realm language again to thank him.

"It is no problem, Elias." The merman said, then he swam away.

All of us 'walked' out of the water and into a tunnel where water doesn't really pass through. According to what I hear from everyone's minds, they are really surprised by how they just came from the ocean and into a cavern without any water, and they are wondering why is that so. Well, I expected to think that way when my merman buddy showed them this place...

Once we were able to navigate through the tunnel, we finally saw a round room. The room was full of furniture, made purely from coral I assume, and the decorations are also made from coral. I walked over to the doorways leading to our rooms. There are three rooms with two twin beds inside of each, yet the room I was staying in had one full-size bed.

"These people are very nice to put in this bed for us." I heard Kayla say.

"I didn't hear you come in," I smiled and cocked my head over to her.

"I guess I just felt like working on stealth while we had the free time before this quest." she smiled.

"That is so you." I chuckled and patted my hand on Kayla's head, to which she giggled at.

I made a move to kiss her on the lips, and she returned it with the same feeling. Then I made the kiss deeper, yet before we could go on...

"Lunch time!" Carter's voice echoed through the room, startling us.

Carter... I raged in my mind.

It's okay Elias, we can continue later. Kayla smiled at me.

I guess... I shrugged.

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