Chapter 7

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Jess goes into Julie's room. Julie is redfaced from crying. She grabs Julie and rocks and talks to her. Julie is inconsolable. "Where the hell is Meryl?" She mutters. She walks to Meryls door and doesn't hear anything. Hm. She goes through to their bathroom and sees nothing. What the hell? Jess walks down the hallway rocking and consoling Julie and Julies grabbing at her robe.. "I'm sorry baby I can't feed you I have boobie milk but It'd be weird if I fed you." Jess looks downstairs for Meryl and she accidentally drops her phone and when she does her robe comes undone and Julie screams a piercing scream. "Goddamn it Meryl" She talks to Julie while she's trying to find her phone and her boobs are hanging out of her robe. Danny walks downstairs  and laughs.
"Having some trouble Mrs. Huston?"
All the sudden Julie stops screaming and Danny notices that Julie latched on to Jess.
"Umm Jess."
"I'm so done if it shuts her up then it shits her up." She laughs.
"A little weird Jess."
"I know right."
Jess finally finds her phone and goes to check ln the last place Meryl could be. She goes to Don's office and hears Meryl talking. She barges in and Don covers his eyes because Jess's boobs were out.
"Meryl a little help?"
"Why are you feeding Julie?" Meryl laughs.
"Because she decided to latch on while I searched for my phone."
Meryl just laughs.
"It's not funny it's awkward. Imagine if you had to feed one of my boys."
"Yeah That would be weird and awkward."
"Told you."
"Well finish her up looks like she's had breakfast."
"Yeah and I did too" Don mumbles and smirks at Meryl.
"Here take Julie." Jess hands Julie to her and ties her robe back.
Jess lays back down once she gets back from Don's office.
December 1st
Meryl, Don, Jess, and Danny are outside looking for a real Christmas tree. It's barely snowing but it snowed for a while for two days so all you can see is snow.
"I love December!" Meryl laughs.
"Me too I love Christmas season." Danny says.
"I'm more of a Halloween season person." Jess smiles.
Danny walks up to Jess and whispers. "You'll be my santa baby?"
"I have been for 7 years. Remember I was 25 when we got married and now 7 years later here I am living with my bestfriends and I have 3 babies. Life couldn't get better."
Meryl walks over to Don and whispers.
"Can I be like your christmas cookies and have you eat me?"
"Meryl that didn't even make sense you dork."
"I know but you love it."

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