Chapter 29

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Jess hears the alarm going off and groans. She goes to hit snooze but instead she hears something hit the wall.
"Motherfucker." She realizes her phone fell behind the dresser. She slaps snooze. Danny starts talking in his sleep. Jessica laughs. "Crazy handsome fucker." Rue walks in and giggles and points at Danny.
"Fucker." Jess's eyes widen and Rue keeps repeating it. Jess goes to say something but Meryl walks in she mouths smack her? And Jess nods her head yes. Meryl lightly smacks Rue in the mouth.
"Next time its gonna be soap in your mouth." Jess says sternly and Meryl walks out and Rue follows looking hurt. Jess moves her nightstand and grabs her phone and realizes it cracked.
"Damnit! Today isn't my day." She walks into the bathroom and starts her morning routine. She goes downstairs and starts cleaning up. Danny texts her.
We're out of toothpaste.
Ik im gonna go out in a few will you watch Rue?
Jess carries the carseats outside and snap them in.
"Baylin, Bryce say momma!" She smiles.
They look at each other and mumble.
"Mmmmmaamma." They say in unison. She gasps.
"Good job aww. My babies are growing up on me." She gets tears in her eyes.
Jess is pushing a buggy for two babies and is shopping in the toothpaste isle. She is trying to decide if she wants extra white or the cinnamon flavored one. She ends up grabbing both and going into the baby section. Baylin and Bryce keep taking turns saying mama and then giggling after both say it. She grabs her phone and records them. When she goes to put her phone in her back pocket she misses her pocket and it hits the floor.
"Shit!" She groans when she sees she's cracked it more.
"So much for a lifeproof case." She mutters. She grabs a few things for the boys and then she goes and grabs a couple toys and outfits for Rue. She goes into the electronics section and grabs a ottor box. Shes walking by the display section and sees a leap frog dance mat game. She automatically imagines Rue and Landyn playing and gets it. She goes ti check out and sees Chloe behind her, shes gained a little weight.
"Hey Chloe!"
"Hey Jessica." She runs up and hugs Jess.
"How are the babies doing?"
"Great." Jess smiles.
"I'm having a baby!" Chloe screams. Jess screams with her.
"You have a cute little bump going on Chloe."
"Awe thank you." She blushes.
"I have clothes at home do you know what it is yet?"
"A boy."
"Perfect." Jess smiles "Follow me home?"
"Of course."  Jess checks out her stuff and goes home and walks in and sets the boys down and goes back to get the stuff and Chloe helps.
"Jess I thought you were just getting toothpaste?"
"I'm sorry when you go to Walmart you always come out with more than you expected!"
Danny laughs and Rue and Landyn are holding hands and running inside.
"Get me anything?" Rue asks sweetly.
"I bought something for you and Landyn!"
"Yay!" Danny sets it up and Jess takes Chloe upstairs to give her the clothes.

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