Chapter 11

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Jess and Danny wake up to the sound of an alarm clock. Jess smacks it off of the nightstand. Danny laughs at her.
"You just bitch smacked put alarm clock." He laughs.
She laughs and looks at the alarm clock.
"Danny I broke it."
He laughs harder.
"That's not funny!" She laughs.
"Yes it is." He lays his head on her belly.
"I love you Ms. Lange."
"You haven't called me that in years Danny."
He kisses down her stomach. His hands wander down into her panties.
Jess fell asleep after and Danny got up and dressed the kids.
Rue was in a orange tutu with her long black hair in pigtails with bows. Her shirt was white with her name on it in orange.
Baylin and Byrce had matching outfits on. Their striped orange sleepers that had a lion on the butt.
Danny put the babies in their carseats and sat Rue on the couch. She pouts.
"I don't wike the couch!"
"You have to sit there Rue."
"No I don't"
"Yes you do."
She whines but sits there and when he walks off she mumbles,
"Stupid son of a bitch."
Danny stops in his tracks and turns around.
"What did you just say?"
"I said you're a stupid son of a bitch." She throws a toy at him and pouts.
"We don't say bad words." He walks to her and pulls her to her feet and lightly spanks her. She lets a out a scream. Meryl comes flying down the stairs and looks at Rue.
"What is wrong with her?"
"I spanked her and honestly I didn't even hit her hard."
Meryl laughs and walks back upstairs.
Danny sets her back on the couch while she's still crying. He walks upstairs and lightly shakes Jessica.
"Jessica get up come on we have to go."
"What?" He laughs.
"I don't wanna get the kids up." She whines.
"I already did that for you babe."

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