Chapter 13

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*a the house with Meryl and Don*
Meryl wakes up to the baby crying. She yawns and stretches. Don had beat her to the baby.
"It's peaceful without all the kids running around." She hears Landyn start to cry.
She walks into his room.
"Mommy! I want Wue!" Meryl makes a pouty face and walks to him.
"She'll be back soon baby." He cries and throws himself at her. She grabs him. She kisses his head and rocks him.
Meryl's sitting on the couch on Don's lap while they watch a movie. Don moves his hands to her thighs. She smirks and presses her ass against him. Landyn comes running from the kitchen with a empty sippy cup.
"Mommy can I have some milk please?" He gives her his puppy eyes.
"Yes, Just let me get up" She positions herself to get up."
He stops her.
"No I want some from your utters." Don start cackling. Meryl slaps Don.
"That's not funny Don!"
"Yes it is!"
Landyn tries to put the cup to Meryl's boob. Meryl gets up and goes to the kitchen to grab milk. She pours some in a sippy cup and takes it Landyn.
"Here straight from a utter." She huffs and hands it to him. Julie starts making noises in her swing. Meryl smiles with her hand on her chest. She walks back over to Don and sits back in his lap. Eventually they end up laying down on the couch Don spooning her. He lays his hand on Meryl's breast.
"Don't touch mommy's utters!" Landyn screams.
Don starts laughing again.
"Landyn I don't have utters."
"Then why does milk come out?"
"Because I have to feed the baby."
Meryl and the baby are in bed sleeping. Don's in his office. Landyn runs into his office.
"Daddy I'm firsty(thirsty)."
"Come on I'll get you some milk."
They walk into the kitchen and grab one of the milk jugs and pours both of them some milk. Don takes a sip and makes a face.
"Tastes funny."
"I fink it is good."
They both take another drink as Meryl walks in and starts laughing.
"What?" Don says as they get another drink.
"That's the jug of breast milk." Landyn and Don both spit out the milk.
Meryl starts laughing harder.
"Oh my god.*laughs* I knew it was way too sweet!" Meryl falls in the floor laughing so hard.
Landyn laughs and takes another drink.
"Mommy your utters make good milk!"

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