Chapter 17

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Jess starts biting her fingernail. "What can I do to get out of this situation?" She thought to herself. Don't panic don't panic. Jess takes a deep breath. She looks at Danny and gets angry.
"I swear if you don't get up I'm divorcing you!" She whispers. She slaps him as hard as she can. Still nothing. She gets an idea. She gets on her knees infront of him and grabs his member. He instantly stirs. She sighs.
"Horny bastard." She mumbles.
She puts his member back in his pants and sits in his lap. She leans in his ear and whispers," Danny we are being kidnapped." He smiles and laughs.
"No we are on our way home." He goes through the captain chairs and goes to the driver.
"Sir where are we going?"
"Shut the hell up before I kill you and your wife." Danny sighs.
He goes to punch the driver but the driver casually pulls out a gun.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
Danny walks back and holds Jess. She cries into his shoulder.
"We're gonna die Danny, I won't see Rue grow up or our boys." Her lip quivers.
"Yes we will baby."
"No! He's gonna kill us. Oh my god I'll never see Meryl or her babies again." She sobs.
He rubs her back.
"Yes we will." The car stops. The driver unbuckles and gets out. He opens the door and grabs Jess off of Danny. He pulls her to the side of the van and motions Danny to get out. Danny gets out and grabs Jess's hand. Jess jumps in Danny's arms and wraps her legs around Danny's waist. He holds her by her back and squeezes her. Whispering sweet nothings. She just cries. The man pushes Danny into the building. He puts them into a room with no windows and locks and dead bolts the door. Jess clings to Danny.
"I'm gonna die and not even be able to hold my babies."
Danny kisses her and he lays them both down on the mattress. She cuddles up to him and puts her legs over his waist. The put their foreheads against each other. She's shaking and trembling. He holds her and she eventually falls asleep. He lays in the bed crying. "If I can get them distracted by trying to run. Jess will be able to go and take care of our babies" He says to himself out loud.
"We are getting out of here alive both of us." Jess says with her eyes still closed.
"I want you to live for our babies."
"I need you Danny."
"The kids need you more than me."
"Danny I couldn't go on without you."
"I can't even think of trying to go on without you Jess."
"I love you so much Danny."
"I love you too Jess." They both cry until they fall asleep holding each other.

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