Chapter 21

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Meryl looks at Baylin and Bryce in Jess's arms and smiles. About that time Don was walking down with two screaming babies. She unties her robe and feeds Julie and she bounces and rubs Landyns back.
"Aww look at you guys. All my grown up babies." Zoe says and everyone laughs.
"Danny and I just weren't ready for the longest time but as soon as I saw Rue and Landyn I had baby fever." Jess laughs.
"Same for me." Meryl laughs.
"Mommy I want your utter milk." Jess starts hysterically laughing.
"Jess your such a bitch." Meryl says narrowing her eyes.
"Landyn I don't have utters and you can have regular milk."
"No I want your utter milk!" Landyn makes a pouty face.
"No."  Landyn gets off of Meryl and goes to Jess.
"Aunty can I have some of your utter milk?" Everyone in the room begins to laugh.
"I'm sorry but no Landyn." Jess shakes her head no. Landyn gives her a pouty face.
"Pwease." Jess thought he was adorable with his little pout.
"Danny go get some of the breast milk out if the fridge and get Landyn some of it."
Once Danny's finished he goes and sets down at the table with everyone else. Danny's dad walks in and Zoe goes to talk to him but he puts his hand up.
"I haven't had my coffee yet woman!" He chuckles.
She rolls her eyes. After he makes his coffee he sits down.
"So Jess and Danny could you be any louder?" Everyone laughs and Jess and Danny turn red.
"Sorry" they say in unison
Meryl and Jess finish up the babies and Jess hands Baylin to Danny while Meryl hands Julie to Don. Both girls tie their robes back.
"Okay. I think I'm gonna go take a shower and start packing for us to go home." Don says.
"The kids and I are staying now Don."
"Well. Okay." Don says sadly.
"Come on I'll help you pack." They both head upstairs while everyone else stayed and talked a little longer. Jessica was about to say something to Zoe but Rue came running in.
"Mommy!" Rue says crying.
"What is it?"
"Wandyn bit me!" Jess picks her up and  consoles her. Zoe grabs Bryce.
"Oh my goodness he has Huston head."
"They both do." Zoe winces when Jess says that.
"That had to be painful."
"Oh yeah,Jess smiles, But it was worth it."

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