Chapter 8

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As they put up the Christmas tree they sing different classic christmas songs and have the 3 babies in their bumbos while Rue and Landyn help put the ornaments on the tree.
Meryl and Jess start singing.
"Rocking around the christmas tree!"
Don and Danny are entranced by them and all of the kids are smiling and watching them dance and sing.
"You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear!"
After the song finishes Don goes and dips Meryl and Danny goes to Jess and kisses her.
Meryl just put down the kids and goes to the livingroom and sets down on the couch while Don and Danny make popcorn and Jess picks a movie.
Jess comes back and laughs.
"I was going to choose the bridges of Madison County, but you are in it and I know I don't like to watch myself so i didn't so I chose The golden girls because I'd rather watch them than watch a movie."
While they watch the previews Danny is starting to get handsy with Jess and Don and Meryl get under a blanket and Don puts hand is on Meryl's mound.
When it comes on Jess and Meryl start singing.
"Thank you for being a friend traveled down the road and back again, you heart is true youre a pal and a confidante and If you threw a party invited everyone you knew you would see the biggest gift would be from me and the card attached would say thank you for being a friend! "
While Meryl was bouncing around Don's hand stayed there.
Danny went and grabbed him and Jess a blanket too. He sits down and puts Jess on his lap. Jess covers them both up. He sticks his hands up her shirt and gropes Jess. He rest his head on her shoulder. Meryl laughs at one of Sophia's jokes and Don sticks his hand lower. He's suddenly groping her vagina and he can feel her wetness. He leans in and whispers in her ear,
" let's go upstairs baby."
"No, wait I wanna know if Blanche is pregnant or not!"
He laughs and sticks two fingers inside. She groans and he moves his hand.
"Okay you win." She whispers. They head upstairs. Jess had fallen asleep because Danny massaging her boobs felt great to her. Danny picks her up bridal style and walks upstairs.
He laughs and says,
"Ahh married life you gotta love it!"
I'm stuck here because I cant make a storyline for Meryl and Don, so I think I'm just what I do best and focus on Jess and Danny.

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