Chapter 20

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After Danny and Jess put the kids to bed Danny walks up behind Jess.
"You were so hot when you had that gun protecting and standing up for our children."
Jess seductively giggles. He kisses her neck and she lays her head back on his shoulder. She turns around and smiles while shaking her head no. He gives her puppy dog eyes .
She laughs and bites her lip. Jess leans in closer and nibbles his ear.
"I said no Daddy."
"But I said yes."
"Fine you win." He growls and chases up stairs. Both are panting when they get upstairs. Danny kisses Jess and pulls off her shirt.
-meanwhile in Zoe's room-
Zoe's awoken to the sound of Jessica screaming. She hops out of bed and then runs down the hall and to Danny's old room. She barges in and turns bright red. She awkwardly laughs. Danny and Jess see her and Jess hurries up and kicks Danny into the floor and grabs the sheets covering herself up.
Zoe slowly backs out and shuts the door. Jess and Danny start laughing. Without skipping a beat they are kissing and pulling the blankets up and continue as if nothing happened.
Meryl wakes up to the sun shining into the room. She yawns and stretches and goes downstairs. Zoe is frying eggs and making toast. She turns and around and Meryl laughs.
"You look like you've seen a ghost."
"Well I seen my son and daughter-in-law in the process of making my fourth grandbaby." Meryl laughs harder.
"I've been there and done that! They do it like rabbits." When she says that Jess walks in yawning.
"Who fucks like rabbits?"
"You and Danny!"They say in unison. Jess laughs and grabs a plate. They all set down and begin to eat.
"Meryl do you wanna stay the rest of of the two weeks with us." Zoe says.
"Uh yeah sure."
"You sound so sure!"
Meryl laughs.
"Well I don't know if Don can stay because he's in the middle of a project. Only reason he even came was because he found out about Danny and Jess." Jess takes a bite and then heres the babies crying.
"Not it Danny!"Jess shouts.
"Damn it I wasn't fast enough!" He yells. Danny walks downstairs with both boys and he walks up and smirks.
"Your it because you have boobies." Danny laughs and Jessica's smirk is gone. She unties her robe and grabs both babies and starts to feed them.
"Danny feed me I can't I have to hold your sons Huston heads."
Zoe laughs.
"Hey you guys took long enough to give me grandbabies I never thought I'd get 3 within 3 years." Jess looks at Danny as Danny hearty laugh.

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