Chapter 6

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~Two months old
Meryl walks into Julie's room. She smiles when Julie is awake and kicking her arms and legs.
"Hi baby! Youre getting so big two months old! Oh my goodness."
Meryl picks her up and walks downstairs while feeding her.
She sees Jess on the couch crying and holding the twins.
"Jess what's wrong?"
"My babies are getting so big!"
Meryl walks over to her and sits beside her. Jess sniffles.
"Meryl we should take a photo of them beside each other we've barely taken any photos."
"Okay" Meryl puts a blanket on the couch and sets Julie down. Jess sets Bryce and Baylin down too.
"So freaking cute!"
"Jess your language!"
"Shut the hell up Meryl" She laughs.
Meryl rolls her eyes and grabs her phone and so does Jess.
"They look identical haha." Jess says.
"Yeah they're too cute!"
All the sudden they hear Rue and Landyn giggling as they run down the stairs.
"Hi Mommy, Hi auntie" They say in unison.
"Hi babies!"
"I hold sissy?"
"Yeah come here Landyn." Landyn sits on the couch and Meryl places Julie in his arms and still holds her head.
"So cute!"
"Mommy? I hold Baywin?"
Rue sits down on the couch and Jess does the same as Meryl.
Jess puts Rue to bed while Danny calms down the Bryce.
Jess walks out and yawns. She climbs in her bed and falls asleep instantly.
Danny walks in and sees her.
"Damn it." He mutters
Jess moves her hair and looks at him.
"I was looking forward to doing it and I walk in and you're zonked."
Jess laughs.
"Well too bad I'm sleeping."
"No you are not!" He jumps on the bed and gets over top of her and she wraps her legs around his waist.
"Whatever will you do with me?"
"You'll see."
Jess wakes up with her hair everywhere and has a dry mouth. She groans and gets up with she hears the baby monitor. She slightly limps down the hallway.
"Goddamn it Danny." She mutters. She hears Julie cry but thinks nothing of it because Meryl can get her.When she walks in the babies are both kicking their little legs and chewing on their hands. Bryce yawns. Baylin cries.
"Well Baylin first." Jess laughs. She picks him up and kisses his little head as she feeds him. Jess rocks him back to sleep and puts him in the crib and then grabs Bryce and feeds him.
"I love you boys." She walks out and heads to Rue's room. She walks in and sees that shes still sleeping.
She hears Julie crying still and sets there confused for a moment. Why isn't Meryl going to her?

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