Chapter 10

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~7:00am Christmas morning~
Rue and Landyn wake up and pop out of bed.
"Hey Landyn guess what!?"
"It's Christmas!!"
They both squeal and Rue goes to Jess's room while Landyn runs to Meryl's. Next thing you know Rue is dragging Jess out of the room by the hand and Landyn is dragging Meryl out.
Both Meryl and Jess have on long robes and Slippers with their messy buns and sleepy eyes.
Rue drags Jess downstairs and Landyn does the same.
"Wait I gotta go get both of your daddies! And siblings." Jess says. Meryl looks at her and mouths "you smart bitch." Jess laughs because she had outsmarted being begged to open gifts before everyone else gets up. She goes and wakes up Danny and he pops up and runs downstairs like a kid. When she wakes Don up he goes to get Julie. Once she gets everyone up she goes and grabs the twins and then heads downstairs.
As soon as Rue and Landyn saw Jess they started ripping through their pile of presents.
After they finish Danny and Don take the kids outside to see their little battery powered Jeeps. A barbie and a Race car looking Jeep. They squeal and run to them and start driving around. Jess walks outside with two cups of coffee and hands one to Danny.
"Santa, your santa baby has a surprise for you." Jess whispers.
She pulls him to the garage and he sees a 2003 Dodge ram truck and it's red, his favorite truck and color.
"Oh my god Jess." He kisses her.
"I know I'm pretty amazing." She laughs. Danny hugs and squeezes her hard.
"Thank you Jessica." She smiles and giggles.
"You're welcome honey!"
"Okay lets get the kids and open our presents."
They all go back inside.
All of the smaller babies had fallen asleep.
"Okay Don you go first, then danny then meryl then me."'Jess says.
Don opens his gifts and its cologne, shirts, pants, etc. He opens his last one and it says from Santa. He laughs because he knows its Meryl's handwriting. He opens it and it has lingerie and has a not that  says I HOPE IT FITS YOUR SANTA BABY.
Don laughs and then Danny goes.
He basically had the same thing Don had except when he opened his from santa gift it was passports to go and see his family and they would leave the next day.He looks at Jess with wide eyes and hugs her.
"Thank you Jess." He says with tears in his eyes.
"You're welcome." They share a passionate kiss.
"I thought you started work next week?"
"Ryan said he wants filming to start next September so its perfect outside." She laughs.
"Okay your turn Meryl."
She opens here gifts and there were shoes, shirts,pants, dresses and lots of jewelry and then her from Santa gift is next. She opens it and smiles. Its a big box. She tears it open and a blue baby pit bull pop out and barks.
"Awe Don she's so cute!"
Jess starts on her gifts and she gets the same as Meryl except she was given a few lingerie sets and a few low cut dresses. We all know Danny bought them! She opens her from Santa gifts and laughs and covers her mouth. It was a box full of The golden girls merchandise.
She kisses him.
"Thank you Baby."
"You're welcome."

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