Chapter 1

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* A month later*
Jessica yawns going down the hallway. On the ways to Bryce and Baylins room she runs into Meryl. They both just smile and part ways both going to the babies room. Jessica sighs when she hears both babies crying. She grabs Bryce and rocks him to sleep. Once she gets Bryce to sleep she walks to Baylin and once she realizes he's hungry she feeds him.
Meryl is laying on her bed holding Julie. Landyn comes running in and jumping on Don.
"Daddy! Daddy! I wanna go out and pway."
Meryl laughs at how cute he is.
"Not now Daddy's trying to sleep."
Landyn pouts and walks to Meryl.
"Pway outside Momma?"
"Yeah come on."
They go downstairs and Jess is holding Bryce in a sling and Baylin is in the swing. And Rue is attached to her leg. Jessica looks tired.
"Rue wanna go outside?"
"Yes pwease."
"Come on lets give mommy a break."
Meryl takes them outback and lets them play on the playhouse and swings while she plays with Julies hands.
"Life couldn't get better could it Julie?"
Julie coos and smiles.
" I think aunt Jess needs a break don't you?"
Julie smiles.
"Yeah I think so too."
After Meryl takes Rue and Landyn to go  nap she walks in Jess's room. Jess is curled up in a ball both babies on the bed with her sleeping while she is silently crying.
"Jess are you okay?"
"No you're not."
"Yes I am, why are we even friends? I'm a cow and a bitch and I'm mean to everyone."
"Jess you're not a cow and you haven't even said anything mean or rude."
"If I'm not a cow then why do you think Danny won't even look or talk to me?
"Jess I'm sure things will work out I promise they will."
"Don't make promises that you can't keep."
Meryl walks out of the room and goes to her room. Don is reading a book when she walks in.
"Hey Baby."
"Hi Mer."
She walks over and straddles him and begins to cry.
"I feel like shit I don't know what to do. Jess is so depressed and I don't know how I can help her."
Don hugs her and rubs her back.
"I think her and Danny are just gonna have to work it out themselves baby you can't help them because you can only help so far before its out of your hands."
"I know but I still feel bad."
Don kisses her.
"I love you and your kindness."
"I love you too."

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