Chapter 30

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April 9
21 weeks
"Meryl are you gonna find out what your baby is or is it gonna be a surprise?"
"Surprise duh." Meryl looks at her like shes crazy.
"Can I at least see the ultrasound?"
"Fine." She hands it to Jessica. Jessica gasps.
"Its nothing, I promise." She smiles.
"Potty break!" Jess runs upstairs and goes to Danny.
"I found out what Meryls having."
"What is she having?"
"Shes having a......"
"Jess come on and tell me."
"Another little girl and boy.One for each of my kids."Jess laughs and walks downstairs.
"Jess you know our kids will have to get married right?" She laughs.
"Of course."
"Which of our kids do you think will get married?"
"I think Julie and Bryce will be a thing."
"I was thinking Baylin and Julie." Meryl laughs.
"All we know right now is that they enjoy their toes and shiny objects."
"Okay I have my ultrasound and I wanna know what it is a. Boy or girl so when i hand you the ultra sound photo you tell me okay?"
"Gotcha." Jess hands the paper to Meryl.
"Girl." Meryl smiles. Jess hugs Meryl and squeals.
"I'll have two boys and two girls!"
"Okay. I cant take it I wanna know."
Meryl looks at her own ultrasound and gasps.
"A little girl and boy oh I'm so excited!" She smiles.
"Oh its a piece of cake. Twins." Jess says sarcastically.
Baylin and Bryce are standing up on the coffee table and their mumbling at Julie. All at once they laugh. Jess and Meryl laugh at their cuteness. Rue and Landyn run in from outside the dog following.
"Come on Sadie!"  The puppy barks and wags its tail. Jess sighs and leans back on the couch.
"Meryl we need to quit getting pregnant."
"Tell me about it."
"We are gonna have eight kids in this house pretty soon."
"Holy shit I didn't even realize that!" Meryl's eyes widen.
"I'm getting my tubes tied."
"Me too.My mom called me for the first time in 2 years yesterday."
"What'd she say?"
"That even if we are arguing she wants to see her grandkids."
"Are you gonna let her?"
"Yes, only because her grandkids deserve to see her."
"Mommy I'm hungry."
"Me too lets go get some food Landyn." Meryl struggles to get up and then follows Landyn to the kitchen Rue following.
"Wait for me!" Jess says and follows.

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