Chapter 27

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Meryl and Don take Landyn and Rue to the carousel. Danny and Jess wander away. They hold hands as they walk through the rides. Jess stops at one.
"Danny lets go on that one!" She points to a ferris wheel.
"No Jessica you know I can't stand heights."
She makes a pouty face and he gives in.
They get on and when they get to the top it stops. They looks down and the man yells
"Hold on the gears aren't working!" Jess sighs and Danny starts getting fidgety and nervous.
"Calm down Danny."
"I can't I knew I shouldn't have gotten on this damn thing."He whines. Jess rolls her eyes and kisses him while her hands work on his pant's button.
"This will ease your mind Daddy." She smirks and starts rubbing and squeezing him.
"Oh god Jessie." He moans. She rubs his tip with her thumb while squeezing him. He puts his hand up her dress. He raises his eyebrow when he feels skin. He presses his thumb on her clit. Right about then it starts moving again and she leans in and whispers," To be continued." And bites his earlobe. He hurriedly puts his member away.  The guy lets them out and they walk back to Meryl and Don.
"Hey guys where have you been?"
"The ferris wheel got stuck."
"Come on Rue lets go play on the carousel swings!" Jess grabs her hand runs to the swings with Rue and Danny follows. They get into a swing for all three of them.
"Mommy that was fun but I want to stay with Landyn."
"Okay sweetheart." She walks Rue back to Landyn. Jess and Danny walk to the concession stands and then go to the couples ride. During the ride Jess gets sleepy and leans on Danny's shoulder.
"Mommy that fun! Can we stay please?!"
"No Landyn I'm tired and I know your sister is hungry." He pouts and gets into the van and Jess and Danny pass out in the back of the van on the way home.
Perfect ending to a perfect day.

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