Chapter 19

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"You're lucky you stupid son of bitch." Jess says with her jaw clenched. Danny walks up and whispers.
"Good girl. I'm glad you chose the pearly gates." He smirks as he whispers. Jess fixes her top back to her shoulders. She grabs the man and calls Danny's parents to come and get them and they sent their location and then she called the police. Jess looks at the man and smirks. He's trembling.
"Yes ma'am."
The man gulps.
"Where the fuck are we?"
"A-at tthe old stripclub."
She groans and rolls her eyes.
"Why did you choose us to take?"
"Because I knew you were rich and I could get money for my kids."
"And yet you tried to kill mine?" She says with a tears in her eye.
"I'm sorry." She grits her teeth and hands the gun to Danny. She pulls the guy up by his collar.
"Listen you stupid son of a bitch you ever and I mean EVER even think of me or my babies I will kill you and I promise you that." She lets go of his collar. Danny smirks at Jess. The cops have begun to show up. They give them their stories and then Zoe and Meryl show up. Zoe gets out the car and runs to them, hugging and squeezing.Meryl's leaning on the hood of the car smiling at this family moment. She walks up and squeezes Jess hugging and crying.
"Oh Jessica I came as soon as I found out. Oh my gosh I love you and Danny I couldn't think of life without you."
"Meryl I couldn't go on without you either I love you!" They hug and cry. Danny and his mom embracing. They break away and Zoe does the ''mom check' looking him up and down head to toe. They get into the car and Danny cuddles with Jess. Before the car even stops Jess is running in to find her babies. Rues sitting on the couch and the babies are in the bouncers. She grabs both babies kissing and crying and then she scoops up Rue with both babies. Kissing them all over.
"Oh my gosh my babies!"
Danny walks in and starts kissing them too. Jess and Danny are hugging with all their babies in between them. Landyn runs up and hugs Danny's back. Danny grabs him and starts tickling him. Jess laughs at Danny.

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