Chapter 4

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After Danny's mom picks the kids up Jess and Danny go to the car and start for mall.
"Danny do you think we will be swarmed by paparazzi?"
"I don't think we will but that doesn't mean that they won't be."
Jess huffs.
"Jess it'll be okay." Danny puts his hand on her thigh.
"I love you Mr. Huston."
"I love you too Mrs. Huston."
"Oh my gosh Danny I need these!" She says holding up a pair of MK's.
"Put them in the basket I guess."
Jess puts them in the basket and runs away again.
After the shoe store Jess goes in Victoria Secret and tells Danny to go get them food from the food court before she went in. She walks in looks at every thing and one caught her eye. She grabbed it and went to the fitting room. When she tried it on it was perfect!

"Tomorrow a is our anniversary I hope he likes it!" Jess thought to herself Once she pays for it she calls Danny and finds him

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"Tomorrow a is our anniversary I hope he likes it!" Jess thought to herself
Once she pays for it she calls Danny and finds him. She hid the Victoria Secrets bag in with her shoes bag.
Once they finish eating they goes to a few more stores and then go home.
Once they come through the door they are met with Landyn hugging their legs.
"Hi aunt jess!"
"Hi baby!"
She kisses him and takes her bags upstairs. As soon as she gets upstairs she lays her bags down and get on the bed to go to sleep. Danny walks in and smiles. He gets up behind her and whispers," Do you want my mom to keep them tonight?"
"Yes please."
Meryl wakes up and walks downstairs and is immediately met with the smell of bacon and biscuits. She see Jess humming and swaying her hips at the stove and Danny sitting at the table drooling with an obvious erection. Meryl smiles and says,
"Good morning."
"Good morning Meryl, Do you want some eggs?"
"Yes thanks."
"Jess baby mom said since todays our anniversary she will keep the babies until tomorrow morning."
"Okay Danny."
Meryl leaves the room and checks on Julie and then walks to her empty bed and lays down. Meryl can't sleep because Don isn't there so she walks down to his office and goes in and sits on his lap. She puts her arms around his necks and says," I love you Don."
"I love you too sweetheart."
Don rubs her back and she falls asleep on his lap and he just continues to work.

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