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A/N: This is my first fanfiction guys so I really hope you enjoy. I'm going to try to update this story once a week but that all depends on how school is going. With that aside enjoy My Everything.
"Pikachu thunderbolt lets go," Ash yelled.

"Pika-CHUUUUUUU," Pikachu shouted as he charged and unleashed a bolt of electricity at the opponent.

"Arcanine dodge it," his trainer yelled. However, Pikachu anticipated where Arcanine was going to go and successfully hit Arcanine with the thunderbolt.

Once the attack stopped Arcanine collapsed on the ground with swirly eyes.

"Arcanine is unable to battle the winner is the champions Ash Ketchum," the referee declared.

"Alright! Nice job Pikachu!" Ash exclaim as he ran over to give Pikachu a hug.

"That was a nice battle Ash,"

Ash looked up to see his opponent extending his hand out to him.

"Ya, that was a very good battle. You did very well Josh."

"Maybe we can battle again sometime," Josh said.

"Hopefully, but until then keep training your pokemon really hard."

"And folks that's all for this year's annual Sinnoh league," the commentator says "Hope all you guys can tune in next year for the next Sinnoh league."

(Time Skip back to Pallet)

"Alright Pikachu, that was another great year for the Sinnoh league," Ash said.

"Pika pi," Pikachu replied.

"Hey Pikachu?"

Pikachu looked up at Ash with a questioning look, and slightly tilted its head.

"Ya know, I'm getting a little tired of this life." Ash said, "Doing nothing for months on end, than when a league comes up we go and defend our title as champion."

"Pi-ka," Pikachu nodded his head showing that he agreed with Ash.

"There are those concerts here and there, but those aren't very much work."

"Don't you think we should do something different this year Pikachu?" Ash asked.

"PI-KA," Pikachu shouted showing that he agreed.

"I just want some kind of change in my life or maybe some kind of harder challenge, ya know Pikachu?"

"ASH DINNERS READY," Delia, Ash's mom called.

"COMING MOM," Ash replied, "Come on Pikachu, I know that we should be talking about this more, but dinner is really important."

In typical Ash fashion, he bolted out of the room and fell down the stairs.

"Ash?" His mom asked as she poked her head into the living room. She had heard loud noises followed by a crash.

"Urrrghh," Ash moaned as he pushed himself off of the ground.

"Ash how many times do I have to tell you?" She asked, "You don't have to go rushing everywhere."

"Sorry mom," Ash said, rubbing the back of his head and sweatdropping.

"Just be more careful next time Ash," Delia says.


"Ash so I have been thinking. Since you have been all over the world traveling," Delia started, "You have not had much time to get a proper education. What do you think of going to school for the next 2 years?"

My Everything (Amourshipping)Where stories live. Discover now