New Beginnings

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Chapter 2:

Callie's P.O.V.

This is my first day at North High School.  I just moved houses because my dad just got out of jail and my mum didn't want any chance of him finding us. 

As I get ready for school, I put my hair into a simple double french plait to keep it out of the way and slip into some jeans, a grey shirt, navy blue sweater and some black and white Adidas shoes.  Checking that I look presentable I quickly grab my bag, my books, some toast and start walking to school.  I am so nervous for my first day.

Walking through the double doors I find the office, getting my schedule and locker number.  As I turn the corner thinking that my locker is somewhere down that corridor, I bang into something hard and drop my books.  

I look up and see a boy who looks about my age with the most luring cologne and messy dark brown hair which falls in his eyes as he bends down to gather my books.  I bend down to to get my diary and we knock heads, "S-sorry I'm really clumsy." I say blushing a quickly get my books.

He hands me my Chemistry and Math books, "uh, my name's, uh Aiden I'm new here."

"Same... What do you have first?" I asked politely, I couldn't stop staring he was so cute with his scruffy hair.  "Uh, I have Chem what about.."

"Hey, Aiden I see you've found yourself a girlfriend."  His mate says with a dorky smile which shows off his dimples.  I blush and look at the ground.

 "Shut Up, Dylan!  I accidentally bumped into her and..."

"Smooth." Dylan says to Aiden. " Does Aiden's girlfriend have a name?" Dylan asks looking into my eyes, I look at Aiden as if needing approval, he was staring at his feet.

"Uh, my name's Callie."  The bell rings for first period to begin.

"I have Chemistry too, you wouldn't happen to know where the labs are?"

"Too cliché, first you guys bump into each other then you guys have chemistry, bro this is meant to be." I start blushing and Aiden shrugs it off and points to a door on the left.  

Luckily classes don't formally start for another two minutes so I just started walking to where Aiden pointed.  Dylan whispers something to Aiden, but I couldn't quite hear what he said.  

Walking into class behind all of the other students, I don't know where to sit.  There's only one seat left and Dylan invites me over to sit between him and Aiden, so I do.  As the teacher reads out the roll she also reads out who'll we'll be partnered up with for the rest of the year.  It just so happens that it's Aiden.  I mean I'm not complaining.  In the corner of my eye I see Dylan smiling at both of us, looking like a dingus.

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