Edit That Out

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AN- it's Cherry again, I'm just saying that I'm writing Dan and Lemon is writing Phil. Enjoy ;)
Dans PoV
I've finished doing a Younow when Phil walks in. He sits down on my bed and I smile with my back still turned to him.
"When are we filming the Sims video?" He asks me. He's sat staring at me, waiting for an answer. I can't help but look into his eyes and think. I really want to kiss him. I want to keep him in my eyes and make sure he knows that he is mine.
"Whenever." I answer. This makes it sound like I don't care. I just want him to choose what's best for him.
"Um, do you want to get it over tonight so we can edit it and get it up this week?" I nod and smile at him. He's so adorable. He's sat straight with his hands on his knees and smiling. I'm wondering if he has the same thoughts I'm having.

We set up with the camera and lights on in the room we film our gaming videos. It's the episode of Dil and Tabitha's wedding and I'm actually excited. Sim videos are really fun to make and the audience loves it. And I think everyone is missing Dil, me and Phil included.
I snap out of my daydream when the camera starts rolling.
"Hey DanandPhilGames wedding rings!" Phil starts the video.
"Is that what you're going with Phil?"
"I thought it was appropriate, because today something important is happening!"
"Dil and Tabitha are getting married!"
The game is loaded up and we are introduced to Dil, sat there being lazy. He really is like his fathers.
A while into the video I'm lost and staring at Phil. He's just talking, but he's so perfect talking. I know if we leave this in it's going to be in a million of those "Heart Eyes Howell" things.
Suddenly Phil's looking at me and my heart begins to race. I love it when he looks at me and I know that sounds like an annoying boyfriend, but I'm glad he's there every day.
Then I move forwards and kiss him. Our lips collide perfectly and I hear his shock as I wheel my desk chair closer, making the distance minimal. Soon our lips are moving in perfect synchronisation. I wrap my arms around his neck and he pulls me closer with his own arms. We're fully making out, and that camera is rolling, recording everything. I pull away slowly and murmur into him "edit that out" with a huge grin on my face.
We've wrapped up the video successfully and then it's our own time. We pack up the equipment and head down the stairs to go to bed, both of us heading to my room, where I pull Phil as close into me as I can. We kiss more before he falls asleep in my arms, and I wish I could see what his dreams are. Maybe they're about me.

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