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Dan's PoV
I have my head leaning into his chest as we watch the Bake Off. I personally love Bake Off, it's just so typically British, it truly is a beautiful part of our custom.
But tonight I can't focus. Mainly because I'm thinking about death. I'm curled up against Phil, who's watching me. And then I realise the tears sliding down my cheeks.
"I wish you didn't feel like this." He says, so full of concern.
"I'm sorry."
"Quit apologising."
"I said stop apologising."
I stay silent instead. I guess that's what he was asking for.
"Stop thinking about it," he's getting angry now. I know he gets frustrated, and I completely understand. I guess I'm just depressing to be around. By he's crying too.
"Why would you think about all the depressing crap when everything you've got is so perfect?" He moves his arm from around me and I move back so I'm eye to eye with him.
"I said stop apologising!" He's shouting at me, his words hover in the air like fire and they slowly but painfully hit my face and burn me.
I stand up to leave. I don't want to fight with him. It's not worth it. I don't want to lose Phil, he's angry and I get that.
"Don't you dare walk away from me Dan Howell!"
I just walk towards my room.
"Dan, come back!" He's shouting and choking on his tears. I feel so bad for walking away, but I don't want to deal with anger.
I sit on my bed and face the wall. But I'm not crying anymore.

"Dan?" About an hour has passed before Phil comes. "Dan, can I come in?"
He doesn't wait for a response. He walks in, and I turn to look at him. His eyes are red and his hair is a mess. He looks extremely sad, and vulnerable. He looks lost.
"I'm sorry I got angry," he's saying to me "I'm so sorry."
"Stop apologising," I say, just to piss him of more, but in a jokey way. We meet eyes. He comes and sits next to me and pulls me into a hug. I nestle into him, my head resting on his chest. I breathe in deeply and inhale his scent. He smells like Deoderant, sweat and tears. But he smells like Phil. He smells like comfort.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks.
"Not really."
"I'm sorry."
"Quit apologising."
He goes to kiss me on the head, but I swiftly move so his lips clash with mine.
"I love you." He says to me. He's smiling, though it's weak and full of regret.
"I love you too."
We don't move. We just stay fitted together, in a silence that is far from uncomfortable.
Okay, it's cherry. I'm sorry this is bad, but I think I'm starting to have an idea about this fic. Which is nice. I'm actually looking forward to seeing what Lemon does! (I have high expectations, Lemon, you better live up to them!)

Thank you so much anyone reading, fellow phans (or people desperately lost on the Internet and wondering who the hell Dan and Phil are and why I care so much)

See you guys in Dan's next PoV!

"I'm probably the happiest I've ever been"-Dan - PhanWhere stories live. Discover now