Autumn leaves

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I'm woken up to the sound of a loud crash
"AGHHHh" Dan yells , as I hear him limping down the corridor
"Daniel James Howell, What have you done you sponge?!" I chuckle as I peer round the corner of the door , so he comes into sight .

"I dropped ," he starts " my," he's panting , as he approaches the door , "laptop" , he stammers, "Onto my feet" , he adds" Outside", he finishes , giggling .
" Dannn, you spoon , what are you doing outside?" I ask "Especially early at the this time , I'd have thought you were still having a lie in" i laugh.

"Autumn" he replies .
"Has , officially, arrived , so I was sitting outside editing whilst surrounding myself in it " Dan finishes , holding a yellowy orange leaf in his hands .

"YESS" I chuckle , this means it's time for our annual 'autumnal-coat-tryingon-and-dancing-in-the-leaves' trip into London .

"Ready in 10?" He asks me, grabbing his clothes and running for the shower
"Yup, will be" I reply , reaching into the wardrobe for my favourite penguin jumper .
I'm so excited , we've done this every year now so far from 2010 , whenever the first leaf falls outside.
I remember when we did the autumn trips in Manchester and Dan would go and give money to all the buskers and we'd sit and eat our picnic with our shopping bags near the train station .
The train station .
Where we first met , where I first hugged him, after months of skyping and -
It's been 4 minutes already?? Oops , I mneed to get changed quickly so i can beat Dan to the door with my shoes on and ready hehe

I slip into my clothes with my jumper and comfy jeans and run to the door , I slide my shoes on and then run back to the bathroom and sit outside the door for Dan .
"Ohhhh Danny boyyy, the pipes the pipes are callinggg , ohhh Danny boyyy" I start to sing him the traditional tune.

Dan laughs as he emerges from the bathroom , dressed in a cute lil jumper and jeans combination like me , though his jumper is dark green and mines blue , and his has a llama on it .
"Sticking to the 2009 aesthetic ," I comment cheekily
"Oyyy" he replies laughing
"You look really um err yehhh" I say , blushing
"Aesthetically pleasing?!" He replies laughing
" yep you look very that and  err also very handsome" I blush, making quick eye contact
"You too Phil, he replies , as he slips his hand into mine as we walk out the door
"WAIT!" He yells
"What?" I giggle
He looks down and I see his feet are shoeless
"Dannnnn!" I laugh , as he laced up his converse

"I'm probably the happiest I've ever been"-Dan - PhanWhere stories live. Discover now