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I smile as I wake up and remember yesterday's filming .
I look across at Dan and see he's awake at his computer , yawning slightly and holding a mug of warm hot chocolate .
"Morning Phil!" He says , kissing me on the cheek and he tilts his laptop towards me .
"Morning.., hey that the Dil video from yesterday?" I ask , yet again confused by his organisation skills as he seems to have almost finished editing .
"Yup," he says " but there is just one bit we need to edit out" he says , smiling , so his dimples show and his face blushes intensely.
"wait , what?" I reply
The clip plays and it's of me and Dan kissing holding each other , from yesterday , and as I watch ,I can't help but smile.
"You're adorable ,you" Dan says affectionately,  as he reluctantly clicks the scissor tool to cut it out .
"Dannn " I laugh
"What?" He replies keeping eye contact with me , staring with his gorgeous dark brown eyes.
"To be honest with you , cut it out , or cut it not out, I'm pretty sure our viewers assume we are a thing" I say , laughing , ruffling his hair
He laughs and pulls me in for another kiss , and as we kiss each other , I feel his warmth of his arms around me and I smile, and I open my eyes and stare  at him and then he stares back at me grinning - and then  the doorbell rings.
"I'll get it , I say as I jog to the door , peeping through the keyhole before opening it ."
"Heyy" , and there standing on the doorstep (to my surprise) is Peter .
"DAAAN" I yell
"Yiissssssssssss" Dan yells back ,in added response to the hint of worry in my voice .
"WHY HAVE YOU ORDERED A "22 inch Ham and pineapple with added pepperoni pizza" I yell, laughing as I swipe my credit card in the payment machine
"To eat and have cuddles" he replies in a cute little innocent voice
I laugh , thank Peter our delivery man and skip back to editing with Dan

"I'm probably the happiest I've ever been"-Dan - PhanWhere stories live. Discover now