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"Hey?" Dan asks as he puts his arm around me
"Sorry" I reply, laughing gently as a wrap my arm around him too , looking into his eyes.
"You ready for cuddles and movie??"
"You betcha," I laugh , flopping down off the bed , next to the T.V .
"That was one of the most graceful bed dives I have ever witnessed" , he laughs as he holds up a pillow like a scoreboard .
"Yep, but contestant number two , mr Howell is up next so let's see what he does .." I tease .
Dan shuffles a little , and then places his hands like an arrow and dives , skimming the surface of the bed... aaand
"DAN!" I yell , as he lands nose first on the floor, "You okay?!"
Dan makes a muffled "Ow" and I uncontrollably start giggling as he's lay down face first to the carpet .
"This is Mr Lester and today I am going to be giving Mr Howell a good massage .
"PHillll" he squeaks as I start to give him a massage whilst we're both in hysterics of laughter .
I giggle , "you okay then?" I ask , laughing ,whilst scanning the DVD shelf for one of my favourite dvds of all time , one that I bought last week, with the intention of showing Dan it as I used to watch it every Christmas time as a kid .
"Dan, Dan , Dan , Dan , i know what to watchhh" I say , jumping up onto the bed , helping Dan off the floor to show him the DvD case ,
"It's a wonderful life" he reads , "whats that about??"
"I used to watch it all the time as a kid , it's one of my favourites of all time , I don't know if you may find it a little old fashioned or something , I mean PJ did when I showed him bu" i trail off ,
"Im sure I'll love it" he replies as he kisses me lightly on the cheek .
{ A.N , Yo it's Lemon , hope you enjoyed this chapterr  ,and are enjoying our fic , also leave a comment if you've seen "it's a wonderful life" , it's one of my favourites especially to watch around Christmas/new year time , if you haven't seen it , I highly recommend it :) xx}

"I'm probably the happiest I've ever been"-Dan - PhanWhere stories live. Discover now