Phan Videos

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I look over at Dan , as he's midway through showing me some  "Phan crack" videos .
Dan found them whilst we were scrolling down tumblr; It's amazing to see how creative people are and how one person can latch on to the sense of humour of two people to make loads of people laugh ,

The video we are watching currently is so funny , it's got clips of us into the toxic music video and like random memes popping up as we're saying something funny , as I look across at Dan , I can see his smile that's spread from one side of the face right to the other , his eyes are slightly squinted , as his face is trying to control the tears of laughter that are streaming down his face ,

"I take it you enjoyed it's a wonderful life?" I say, slipping my arm round his back ,
"Yes, I loved it ," he replies, kissing me softly on the cheek.
I kiss him back, but on the opposite side , then as I pull away from his face , he grabs mine and pulls his mouth towards mine .
I'm kissing him , my hearts racing , all my focus is on him, and though he's taking my mind and all I'm thinking about it him and him kissing me as we're kissing , I can hear something in the distance, playing softly .

I listen closer , and i realise it's the  Phan Crack videos on a playlist on repeat ,  and I hear 2009 Dan say " I didn't have a best friend for the first 18 years of  my life", and then toxic plays softly ,  but it's the cover that Eden and Katherine did , the people who sing 2009 , and then I open my eyes , as I taste droplets on my lips ,

oh no oh no oh no , I'm crying , I think , but then I look up and see dans realised the sound too and it's his tears , he's crying onto my lips. I laugh , as I make eye contact with the emotional mess of Dan , as I tear up,
"I love you Phil" he says
"I love you too Dan"♥︎

{A.N! Heyyy (it's Lemon)xxx
Hope you reading this are having a good week/month/weekend , and that you're enjoying reading our chapters, it's so so nice when we see comments it makes us like see the people who are reading our fic - and like Cherry said yesterday , we are so so grateful for everyone who clicks on our new chapters to read ~ if you are enjoying this please be sure to add it to your reading list so that you can stay on top of our updates :) , me and Cherry love seeing comments and replying to them and things so yup , of you want to talk fic writing , phan or just have something in general to say about what we've written , we love comments x
Anyhowww thankyou and I (lemon) shall see you on Monday and add this to your reading thingymabob
To stay tuned for Cherry's Chapter tomorrow xx} hugs ~ Lemon ♥︎

"I'm probably the happiest I've ever been"-Dan - PhanWhere stories live. Discover now