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Dan's PoV
I'm still laughing at Phil's face when I said I hadn't seen Terminator. He immediately rushed out to get it; and the second one. He also came back with the Never Ending Story, for some reason. So tonight we're watching some movies.
I'm on popcorn duty and Phil's setting up the lounge for the ideal movie night. I love watching movies with Phil, purely because he gets into them. I am am a big fan of immersion and Phil goes along with it.
Once I walk back into the lounge, I see Phil has the lights off and he's got his duvet on the sofa for us both to get under. Right now he's bent down in front of the TV, bent over to his butt is right in the air. Damn.
He turns around and sees me staring at him and I flush a deep red.
"Hey, how long have you been stood there?"
"Just got here." I laugh awkwardly. He also has his glasses on. Damn yet again.
I sit down in my sofa crease and balance the popcorn in the middle. Phil sits down on the other side of me and moves the popcorn so he can get closer. He wraps an arm around me and I lean into him and inhale is somewhat floral scent.
"Have you been using a girl shower gel?" I ask, laughing.
"Yeah, sorry. They ran out of manly petrol." I laugh at his joke and let the film begin.

By the time it's over, Phil's fallen asleep. I awkwardly move and shake him awake.
"Hey. Hey, Philly?"
He murmurs something about shutting up.
"Phil, your on the sofa, come on, let's go to bed."
He moves to get up and go to his room and i bring his duvet. We're both in pyjamas already, so we don't need to get changed.
He tucks himself up and I go to leave the room.
"Your not going, are you?" He asks, suddenly a lot more awake.
"Well yeah... I need to go to bed..."
"Stay." He practically commands it. I guess I have to stay.
This time I wrap my arm around Phil and he cuddles into me. I smile and softly kiss his hair before he falls asleep. I can't sleep though, so I just watch him breathing softly until I become tired as well.
Again, it's Cherry. And I'm feeling a bit uninspired so sorry if this was really bad. We still haven't really got a plot.

"I'm probably the happiest I've ever been"-Dan - PhanWhere stories live. Discover now