Its a Wonderful Life

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AN- in case you skipped the previous chapter (why) it's a wonderful life is a movie that Lemon picked out for me to write about. We both love this movie and watch it at Christmas so she thought it was relevant. Xx
Dan's PoV
I'm telling Phil I haven't seen it because he gets so happy when I watch films for the first time. Shit, it makes me sound like my life goal is to make Phil happy.

We're watching and all the way through the film Phil says "your so going to cry" or something, and I know I will. I'm leaning into Phil's chest and breathing him in. He traces circles with his thumb on my arm, which makes me smile because it tickles slightly.

As we reach the end of the film, I tear up and Phil cries as well. I bury my face into his chest and sob, but not just at the film. I cry because I love him. I cry because he's here, I cry because of death, I cry because I can.
"Okay, Dan, I knew you were going to cry, but I didn't think it would make you cry this much."
I curl myself into a ball and he pulls me onto his knee and I stop crying.
"Look at me?" He says gently. I look at him and he kisses my cheeks, were the tears have just fallen.
"I guess it was the element of suicide." I lie. I guess it's not a lie; Phil knows about my teenage years.
"Remember I love you, Dan. I love your hobbit hair, your sad face dimple, your laugh, your smile."
I move so I'm sat next to him and I hug him. This is one of the first times we've not kissed instead of talked, or made out instead of cuddled. I wrap my arms around his neck and rest my face on his shoulder. He wraps his hands around the bottom of my back and rubs it gently and reassuringly. I wish everyone in the world could have a hug of Phil. We'd all be so much happier.

Later, I'm on my laptop, on Tumblr in my room, when Phil walks in. He sits next to me and looks at the memes and gifs. We point out the ones we like and laugh, and it that moment I just think that it is a wonderful life.
AN- I hope this is okay. Thanks so much for all the comments and votes. They genuinely mean so much to me, and Lemon. I just want to say if you feel sad or worthless, you mean something. You mean something to me & Lemon because even if your horribly lost on the Internet, just having your view makes my day and if you to one tap and like our fic, you make me so happy. I just wanted to say that because not enough people seem to know that now. ❤️😊

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