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Dan's PoV
"Bloody hell, Phil! You do it like this!" I tap the CORRECT keys onto the piano.
"Okay, okay!" We're getting frustrated with each other now. "Can we stop, before one of us hits each other?"
"Sure. What do you want to do?"

We've literally been massive trolls with our audience lately. With the consistent uploades on the gaming channel, as well as our own videos and the trailers are coming out tomorrow. Even I'm not prepared. I've just wrapped up my broadcast on younow, everyone was asking for Phil as usual. I'm not sure if I want to do YouNows with Phil, there's not really an edit-that-out option.

After spending an hour watching Food Wars together and cuddling on the sofa, we head to bed. I decide to sleep in Phil's bed with him, but we're not cuddling. That's when I get that somethings up.
"Phil? What's wrong?"
"What nothing!"
I pause for a minute.
"There is." He rolls over to look at me and he's crying. I reach over and stroke the fringe off his face and then rest the palm of my hand on his cheek. But, after living with him for 5 years, I know when he doesn't want to talk. So instead I pull his head into my chest and stroke his back.
"Talk to me when you need to." He says and his breathing speeds up. He's sweating and crying into me. It's traumatic to see, but I hold onto him, because if there's one thing I can't let go of, it's Phil.
I sit up and let him lean on my shoulder. He's calmed down a lot, and I think he's fallen asleep. I shuffle into the duvet and tuck him up so I know he's warm. With me. We're so small in the universe and one day we're going to be dead so the fact that in worried and sad and scared doesn't matter in the long term.
I just know that I need Phil, he needs me and we need to hold each other down.
AN- sorry this was so awful. I don't know how much longer we're gonna carry this on for, but for now short chapters are like the thing. I'm sorry this was short and pretty awful but I'm having to deal with personal shit so I don't have as much of an opportunity to write and actually be creative with this. Also the views have gone down so please let us know if we're dragging this or if you want to see another fic by us (or one of us I don't mind). Bye guys 😊❤️

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