Hello Internet

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Phil's PoV
"Heyyy , Dan Dan Dan Dan Dan Dan Dan" I pester as I knock on his door , he's locked himself in his room and I can hear a video playing in the background .
Reluctantly , Dan unlocks the door and smiles as he sees that I've got a rose tucked in my suit pocket.
He laughs "Phil , you've not got changed out of that since yesterday uploading?!" Dans wearing a dressing gown , but I can see he's wearing something underneath , I don't know what though .
"Yepp" I murmur , "I guess I'm just genuinely happy for our sims . In a really weird way , like their our children or something or its kind of like a representation of us and I'm just .. "I stammer ,"sorry Just haven't recovered" I clarify , smiling at Dan .
"Okay , Phil " he laughs , " but yeah hehe I guess it is like that , well without me in the dress and all bu-"
And then I'm kissing him ,
And my hands on his shoulders and his dressing gown slips off , revealing him in his suit . I'm laughing and kissing him and it feels amazing and then I slowly pull away and give him a huge hug
"I ..I ..I love you Phil" Dan says , maintaining shaky eye contact ,
"I love you too" I reply
And we hold hands and kiss briefly again .
And , laughing , I look over to dans laptop
- it's playing Hello Internet
"What?!" I say , laughing and pointing to the screen
"Yeh , I know" Dan continues ," I was just watching it back looking at my insecure 2009 self I guess" , and as I watch him his eyes start to fill," and how I didn't know how much someone was going to change my life" , and sometimes it doesn't even feel real" , Dan blurts "I mean in a good way" ,
"Because I'm proud to be the happiest I've ever been "
{AN, Hey, it's Lemon :) , I hope you are enjoying our fic so far - if you have any tips or ideas just leave us a comment as this is our first fic and we'd love to hear from you ( ^ω^ ) }

"I'm probably the happiest I've ever been"-Dan - PhanWhere stories live. Discover now