Double flip flop

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I'm thinking ,Dans looking at me , but my face is staring towards the curtains,
I sigh , and turn to face Dan -
We both stare at each other for a minute , then we're laughing
"You okay ?" I ask again , stroking his hair now
"Yup , but yknow what'd be a good idea -" he starts
"Fancy some 3pm pancakes?"
Dan runs to the kitchen , and switches Spotify on .
"What you doinggg" I ask , laughing
Toxic starts to play,
"MR PHILLIP H-LESTER" he yells back , obviously distracted by the puddle of flour he's created in the excitement of getting the ingredients for the pancakes .
I laugh
" you were about to call me a Howell , weren't you" I smirk , as I nudge Dan flirtatiously
"Urmmm , well maybe , uhh" he stutters
I laugh , tossing the butter
I place my finger into the tub and slide some onto my finger , then stealthily wipe it onto his shoulder .
"Oy!" He yells , then he wraps his arms around me and lifts me around and around swinging me - to the lyrics of
"Taste of your lips I'm on a rideee"
I continue singing "I'm addicted to you don't you know that you're toxiccc"
Then we both roll around the kitchen looking like air hostesses from Britney's video
I love seeing dans smile , I think .
"PHIL" "PHIL" he's laughing ,
"What??" I reply , did I just do that ag-
"You're speaking your thoughts again darling ," he replies - shaking me,laughing.
"Oops ," I reply
The pancake batter is lying lonely next to the hob .
"Time to cook them?"
I pour the mixture into the pan , and watch as it sizzles away ,
"Cmon cmon cmonnnnn" Dan hums , waiting impatiently for them to cook so he can flip it .
"I'm only gonna let you do the first flip ," I start "iffff it's a double one"
"Challenge accepted ," Dan replies , saluting me as he grabs a spatula , to check the underside of the pancake .
"Its done!" He says ,
I sit down on the counter and get my phone out , Daniel shall learn from the pancake flipping master himself , I shall see if he manages the risky double  flip

"I'm probably the happiest I've ever been"-Dan - PhanWhere stories live. Discover now