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And my eyes close gently , as I slip into a cosy sleep...

"Hey guys! So today we're going to be doing something a little bit different-

Basically Dans told me about this new pancake stencil design thingy that he found on eBay so I thought - why not order it!!
So I've left Dan in the kitchen so he can have a couple of Gos at it and then we're gonna make some on film!

Right so firstly , I really want to say that yesterday I found this really cute meme of a hamster in glasses and I just need to , like , litterally , look at this *holds up phone* isn't it adorable!! And secondlyyy, look what we wok- I mean look what happened to dans window this morning! Yeh I know, well I guess they says it lucky for a bird to poo on you , not sure if that rule applies for windows though .

Anyhowww, tis time for me to show you how to make these .
We've already got the ingredients together in our little bowl , we shall show you how to make the batter with the ingredients at the bottom of the screen , but all you need to do to them is whisk ! Whisk Dan!

*Dan scuttles to the corner of the kitchen near the oven hiding *Sorry sorry I forgot , I laugh , as I begin to whisk the mixture . *Dan places the solidifying liquid template on the pan* , so now you just pour like soooo , and then wait ,, and waitttt and wait until they are done and you can flip to see your design! Aw Dan's done a bear- I say , as I pick up a template , so then we do an otter , a pidgeon and lastly a giraffe .

So guys! That's it for today's video - please leave a like comment and sub- Dan what are you doing?? poring another one I see . Anyhoww see you in next video , Goodbye!! I turn the camera off and Dan says "I think you should flip the pancake" , I do and what I see , what I see makes me start to cry , I'm speechless and dans on his knees and I'm smiling and crying and and and

"PHIL , PHIL" Dans yelling , "are you okay?" , I wake up suddenly and see Dans worried face looking back at me . I look down and see I'm surrounded in a puddle of tears , and our pillows are soaked .

I smile " Yeah, I just had a really strange dream that's all ," I say , smirking .
"I guessed! You were crying and laughing all night Phil , I've stayed up on my laptop , watching you, in the , um , least creepy way possible" he replies
"Oh dear" I laugh , maintaining steady eye contact as my grin spreads further and further across my face .

"Your gonna have to tell me!" He says , sitting cross legged at the end of the bed"

I think about it , and open my mouth to tell him , and then remember what Dan was saying about marriage and the whole Mr Howell thing yesterday and what he'd think if he knew I kept on thinking about it .
I shake my head "it doesn't matter , itdoesn't matter" I smile ,
"Does it involve pancakes?" He asks, mischievously, grinning .
"Well , yes, yes it does as a matter of a fact , Daniel" I reply , laughing

"Would it be a sin to have pancakes , two days running?" He asks
"Definitely not ," I answer , laughing .

{A.N ,
Yo it's Lemon , I hope your enjoying our fanfic , and like Cherry said yesterday , we are so so happy when we get the comments and votes and views so I want to say thank you so so much! xxx - also we've reached 100 views!! whoooo xx also I'm gonna second what Cherry says about the ton of homework we're given at school currently it's like AghGH x
I got kinda really carried away and into this chapter today btw so I hope you enjoyed it even though it was a little longer than some of our others x
Thank you again , and if you like what we wrote , please give us a little vote or comment at the end of the chapter :)}

"I'm probably the happiest I've ever been"-Dan - PhanWhere stories live. Discover now