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Dan's PoV
"Hey? Dan? You okay?" He's saying through his own tears, we're both literally sobbing on each other, for no real reason.
"I'm fine," I say, wiping the my nose on the sleeve of my jumper, "I don't know, I'm just proud of us. We've got a documentary coming out, another book, we've been on a tour. It's so crazy. You could have told 12 year old Dan this, he would have shit himself, but it's real and your real and-" Phil cuts me off.
"Let's not get emotional, Danny. Or I might have to kiss you to stop you talking."
"Go for it."
H leans in and softly kisses me on the lips, it's quick but it lingers. I want more from him, but he just winks and leaves the room.

About 5 minutes later he comes back with two hot chocolates.
"What's that for?" I smile at him, my face stiff from tears.
"It's Autumn!" He looks so happy, it's adorably hilarious.
I laugh and take my hot chocolate.
"We have marshmallows, don't we?"
"We did..."
I roll my eyes. "PHIL."
"I can't be trusted!"
I pull and angry face. He's also but a candle on, which is so strong.
He looks at me and I feel sick with happiness. "Yeah?"
"I can't breathe. The candle."
"Oh, right." He stands up to blow it out. I laugh, because it's too strong for our tiny London apartment. I actually think he could gas us, but Phil loves his scented products.
We're watching Food Wars. Well, I'm watching Food Wars. Phil's watching me. I turn to look at him and he quickly looks away, at the TV. I move my hand to interlace with his and he squeezes it, without talking his eyes of the screen. I look at him, to realise he's bright pink. He doesn't even look at me, but he releases his hand from min end wraps an arm around my shoulders. I lean into him and smile, tucking my legs up and I tear up again. I shrug to myself and blame the crying on the sleepless nights giving over reactive emotions. I think we're sleeping in my bed tonight.
AN- it's Cherry :) I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's not great but I'm really tired and I can't do physics and aah. I don't know if anyone knows this girl, but I'm giving a little shoutout to singer/songwriter Sings'N'Things on YouTube- if you like singers like tøp or dodie Clark, you will probably like her she's amazingly talented and I'm obsessed with her songs atm so yes that's that okay bye xx

"I'm probably the happiest I've ever been"-Dan - PhanWhere stories live. Discover now