8- Songbirds & Bluebirds

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Hunter's Point of View

"Alright, in 3...2...LOOK!" I flung my body around as Nitro said so, finally seeing the set for the first time. Oh man, this is it. This was exactly it, how I had pictured it. The light patterns and the big screen in the middle, to the set on the ground, it was everything I ever wanted for this tour.

"You like?" I heard Nitro say from behind me.

"Oh man, absolutely." I didn't take my eyes off of the creation I had dreamt up. I couldn't even begin to believe that this was my set, nobody else's, mine to run and jump and play on.

I yanked my phone from my jacket pocket, snapping photos as soon as the app opened.

"You want to go stand on it?" Nitro said as he passed me with his FTLOM camera.

My face lit up like a kid in a candy store. I only nodded. Nitro motioned me with the camera and I pried my eyes away for a split second to have the other five guys behind me join me on the stage.

I jumped up from the stairs, standing in the glory of the stage.

I looked over every little detail, walking all around on the ramps and jumping up on the speakers.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the stage was blinded by lights. I flipped around and stared up at the background.

No words could describe everything that was happening right now. I was overwhelmed to say the least.

I jumped off the stage and stepped back, taking in the stage as a whole.

I think I stood admiring the artwork in front of me for quite some time, trying to get it through my mind that this was my stage, my set, my tour. In one month I'd be jamming out with the greatest band and the greatest fans all with me. I am truly blessed beyond recognition.

Oh how I wish I could've gotten my hands on a guitar or something, and just rocked out on that stage for a few hours, but I couldn't, and I didn't. I had other priorities to worry about right now.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Hey man, we're gonna get some lunch. They have some things to tweak with the systems still."

"Ok, yeah." I followed the guys out of the warehouse and into the cars, where Sam and Steve joined me again in my car. As soon as they both shut their doors, I turned to them. "Holy crap, did you see how amazing that was?!?" I suddenly exclaimed.

"It was awesome!!!" Steve exclaimed.

"I agree!" Sam added from the backseat.

"One more month to go!" I threw my hands up. The other two cheered and I put the keys in the ignition, turning them, feeling the car hum to life.

I glanced down at the time, reading the small red 12:30. Holy crap, it's 12:30 already?!? Four more hours!

"Hey uhm guys, yeah, where are we eating at?"

"Andy said they're picking up pizza and we are all just gonna chill at our place." Sam said, looking down at his phone.

I lightly gripped the wheel with my one hand, finally pulling away from the warehouse. The drive mostly consisted of us talking about the great set and how we were gonna pass the two weeks off we had. When we pulled into the apartment, the others parked right next to us. I stepped out onto the blacktop as Devo opened the passenger side door.

"Hey, fancy meeting you here!" He exclaimed, then held up three big boxes. "I brought the party!"

Sam unlocked the door and let everyone. I helped get out plates and napkins and soon, we all gathered in the living room talking and eating away happily.

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