Chapter 11 ~Pendent~

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A/N this is dedicated to Zelda2013 for reading my story xD (Sorry if the last few chapters were short....i was rushing and busy

ps.... I lose confidants sometimes.. OK alot alot... so i just wanted Carolyn to reasure all of us that u r special and beautiful... and u can do tons of things to make your self feel that way...The way Carolyn does it is she does something different to her appearance just for today to make her feel good. So that's all.. BE STRONG :)

Carolyn with straightened hair in muiltimedia!

<3 Xoxo RAE(all stories copyrighted and covers...yes new covers :D and yes there's a wolf in the back of the tunnel)

~ My eyes fluttered open with the nice cooling sound of birds. A goodnight sleep was needed for me and I took advantage of that. I still had a stolen feeling from the other day in the forest, but I brushed it off. I needed no drama and last thing I needed was to be worried about the woods...even though it hurt. I'll find Shadow, I swear. I kept repeating that in my mind and it was true.

The weekend was short, but felt like forever in my dreams. I didn't want to wake up, but I couldn't refuse the beautiful day outside. Even though it was didn't feel like one you know. Today was going to be special and i knew it.

I forced my still tired body up with my energetic mind. My bare feet touch my scruffy carpet in my bedroom as I went into my bathroom. I decided today was different, it felt different. I decided to straighten my hair for the first time. It looked nice against my cheekbone and round lips. I put on some eye makeup to bring out my crystal blue color. Changing into a nice white lace sun dress with sandals completed the transformation. I felt so nice, fun and flirty. I checked myself in the mirror one last time before driving to school.

I felt so fluttery and soothed. I felt nothing could touch me. I was on the top of the world and I was glad. Somehow I knew Shadow was he was with me. And now its my turn to be free and safe. Thanks Shadow, I spoke the sweet word in my mind causing me to smile through the school's doors with confidence.

~ The bell rung in the middle of the day. History...Mr. Sulk's class. I breathed deeply as I stopped at the doorway of my next class. Oh god I'm going to see him again. His fallen hair, muscles, lips and...

"Carolyn move it," Carla spoke shoving me a little bit.

"O.K, O.K." I pushed the nervous thoughts in back of my mind and leaped through the door behind Carla.

"By the way you look hot," Carla winked before taking her seat, but again my mind consumed.

I can't sit next to him another day. He's just...makes me so nervous and I can't tell why. Why does this affect me so much? It's on the tip of my tongue. I just can't see why I have swirls in my stomach each time he's near and he barely was here for 2 days.

Before I knew it I hit my desk. I must have not noticed it since I was over analyzing Beck in my thoughts. I sighed out a breath as I settled in my chair. Just suck it up Carolyn. My eyes followed to the door, waiting and kind of hoping I could see him again. I mean no one misses the second day of school.

I kind of relaxed and closed my eyes softly. The second bell rang and I opened them up determined. No Beck... just as I spoke to soon his strong body entered the room.

Did it just get more hot in here?

Again his scent of Cologne or something nicked me in the nose as he passed to his chair. He straddled his books in hand, like he was afraid someone would take them.

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