Chapter 32 ~Wolf Clang~

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10.) I love Zombies....that's it...i just love them ;D KEEP CALM AND KILL ZOMBIES

VOTE, cooommmennnt, FAAAN ;D

Stay strong lovelies <3


~ Girlfriend. Girlfriend? Yes, I'm his girlfriend. Nice to meet you I'm Beck Andrew's Girlfriend.

I kept repeating the new fond word constantly in my mind. I kept on repeating it, so I would know how to introduce myself. I also wanted to calm my excitement down. My body was awkwardly placed in the car, my still frozen smile gave it away. Us holding hands again made the situation seem more real. His words still sat there. It seemed a little fast, but whose slowing down? I was going to fight and I didn't know when. If I would die at least me and Beck...

I stopped my continued thought. If I would die...

If I did die who would be saved. All he wants is me, right? If I care about Beck like my heart tells me... I might just sacrifice myself for his pack's safety. I just might...

I didn't know what I had become. I shouldn't think this way, but everything has changed. My whole life changed in just a few weeks. It's time to stop hoping and wishing. It's time to start playing it smart. It's time to be strong and not fall apart. I'm going to save everyone...maybe me. I am willing for the challenges ahead. If I defeat him then there might be room for my old self again, but for right now I'm changing the rules. I have decided. I'm not going to be vulnerable any longer.

"Here we are," Spoke Dan.

We were parked on a trail. Dirt and rocks made up the pathway up to their tribe. A cabin was built with logs. Two stories high. It looked small to be a hang-out for a pack, but trees covered the rest of the cabin. Only the front was visible to the eyes. A forest was closed in on everything. It was daytime, but you couldn't tell it from here. Perfect place for wolves. I tried looking in back of me to see a street, but I was so trapped in my mind I didn't notice how far we've gone. This was where Beck has his life dedicated to this one spot. This is a chance where I get to learn and know. And this was the spot... Vincent could kill.

"Beck everything will work out," My voice slipped out.

He looked at me with a weary look. We both took a deep sigh as our destiny waited just a few feet away. We were going to be just fine.

Dan and Nate walked calmly in front of us. It was like a mafia type situation. We followed their lead until the wooden door became apparent to our sight.

The clasp of Beck's grip around my hand caused me to jerk. I was frightened. What will they think of me?

My worried and con jolted body moved without hesitation. Through the door we went. We arrived. I arrived at the terrifying chance. I entered through the passage way of uncertainty. My life was never normal and this just made my life more unbelievable.

Light shined onto the scenery before us. A whole bunch of people stood in the living room. The place was wide... huge. Mostly guys took up the space. Only 3 girls stood far away from the action. Eating and laughing were the loudest points. Most of the men had only there pants on. Most were tan and fit... others were young and silent. Different humans of all kind were filled in this room. No one had noticed we had just walked in.

"Hey!" Nate shouted. All eyes fixated on us. All the chattering had stop. Every ounce of awkwardness surfaced into the room.

"This is Carolyn..." He trailed off. "She will be here for awhile and we all know why. Make her feel welcome or..."

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