Chapter 30 ~Beck's Rage~

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8.) I'm obsessed with the trends mustaches and owls xD OWL: phone cases, background, and ring MUSTACHES: ring, necklace/earrings, sweatshirt, leggings

I think I need help because I'm suffocating from adorablness D:

Have a good day my lovelies ;D




"STOP THE FUCKING CAR," I yelled out of anger. My lungs were filled with hot air. My nerves were glenched at the bone. My teeth grinded against my jaw as the rage got more powerful. She can't go into battle...she can't.

My body jolted forward with everyone else's as my burst out cause the car to come to a sudden halt. I looked with angered eyes at Carolyn. Her face was on me... always on me. Her expression was sorrowful and worried. Her eyes were soft, but giant at my words. Her beautiful face glistened without a light. That's how she was to me. A beautiful flame even if there was no light. She guided me to the good. I thought I had to live with this curse, but she should me how to beat it. How to live. I can't jeopardize her life after she saved mine. I was stressed, angered at the Elders decision. I know she can help, but.. but.

I released Carolyn from my grip. The whole ride I was solid because I didn't want to believe in what was reality. I stormed out of the car pissed at them, Vincent, and my own mind. I slammed the door so hard it even caused me to wince a little. I walked on the road to an open grass area on the side of it. My feet were rushing, but they appeared slow. I felt my leg shoot pain through them as each step was harder. My fists glenched into a hand full of rage. Vincent...

I had my back to the car, not wanting to look at their reactions.

"Beck! Beck, what the hell was that?" My uncle's voice became present. I shook with all my anger. I tilted my head down because if I even think about looking at my Angel's face I might break. How could they do this to her?

"This girl is everything... to you, to our culture. Maybe she's just a human, but we sense she has the will to beat Vincent. All my years I've been studying humans. I wanted to be on just like you when I was your age. But this is our destiny. Carolyn has the flame in her heart...she never lost hope and that's the key to defeating an immortal," He shouted.

"She not just a girl or a mere human..." I said softly under my breath.

My uncle chuckled at my words," You grown to have feelings for this girl, haven't you?"

My eyes flickered in shock. He knew? I released my pressed anger from my power. I turned to face my uncle and saw Dan leaning against the car. My uncle nodded at me.

"You know this wasn't suppose to happen. We knew we had to face Vincent someday and it's coming to a close. You guys met so you can get her to agree, but I guess you fell. I can't change that. We finally have someone who can fight and have a chance to beat him," My Uncle explained.

"Wait... you knew abou Vincent all this time? You planned this whole thing?"

His mouth was left shock. He finally realized what he had done. He admitted that Caroyln and I were a plan. We were both used. They knew... They all knew. Carolyn was in trouble and it's all my fault. My tribe betrayed me. The girl.. the only girl I felt for was-was all part of a plan. My whole life seemed like a lie. Her and I... a lie? No... the feelings are not a lie.

"You knew..." My rage occurred back into my body. I was fierced, fired up. I couldn't believe him.

"Beck..." He quietly said. My teeth grinded against each other as a roar of anger slipped out. My boby without my mind curved toward Nate. I was runnning and breathing with steam. I wanted to rip his head right off and my body was just goning to do that. My feet sprinted quicker. It seemed like I was in slow motion, but the rage could explain why. A loud echoed growl escaped my mouth as I lanched forward.

"Beck!" A sweet voice spoke in my mind. I wasn't him anymore.

My uncle stood on his two feet as my human body reached him. He grabbed me and threw me against the pavement hard.

"Beck stop," My uncle's voice made me more irritated.

He was over me and my eyes changed. Silver eyes glowed as my canine teeth snarled. My claws released from my hand as I grabbed around his neck. I stood up with Nate around my fingers. His fingers pressured around my neck now. We both had a vein popping expression as our grips got tighter.

"BECK!" That sweet voice. I growled at it.

"No, don't," said someone.

"I have to stop them!" Sweet....

"You can't... its too dangerous. They aren't themselves. They will snap at anyone. Leave them be and you'll see they will be fine..."

"Fine? Fine? How's everything fine!"

I heard a grunt. Footsteps were running. I was trying to block them out. This is for us. Carolyn and me! I snarled so deep that choking sounds of my thorat didn't appear. The choking sounds came from Nate. I was beating him. I was stronger. I aimed him toward the ground for a better grip. He was done...

"SHADOW!" Screamed that soft voice.

My mind snapped back into my body. My claws settled back in, my teeth soothed in, and my eyes could see the sights around me. Rage was a coward's job. I've come to far. I've came to deep in my relationships to jeporize it now. I realized that getting angry wasn't the answer. Vincent needed to be beaten and once in history the Elders and Council were desperate. They asked for my help. Our help, but it has to be only me. He won't lay a finger on my Angel.

I released Nate and back away from his body. He grabbed his neck trying to breath threw it. I had my head down.

"I forgot," Nate coughs," How stro- strong you were." I laughed at his words. He was smiling at me as I grabbed his hand to help him off the ruged ground. He patted me on the back.

"Good work kid... Sorry..." Nate said walking away. Yeah, I'm sorry too.


"It was you wasn't it?" I smiled.


I turned to face her. She was crying.... her hair was falling. The wind blowed it out of her ponytail. I made her cry. I regret making you cry Carolyn...

I walked up to her wanting to feel her. Feel how she freed me. How she was important to me. How she was the savior to our existance. I grabbed her tearful soft cheek. I grabbed her in my hands. Her hips settled in my other hand. She looked up at me with her big beautiful blue eyes. I closed mine. My lips crashed into Carolyn's as my wolf...

Shadow howled with love....

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