13.) I am a movie fanatic! Each and every type of movie are my specialty. ;D
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~ We figured out everything. About why Vincent was after the tribe, about Beck's family, and why they needed a miracle. The only thing I didn't know was about why I was here. Why my parents were enslaved and why he wanted me. Carter did not know why I was here. So I guess you could say I knew everything of how to defeat him and why, but things about me were still unanswered. I couldn't help think: Why was I chosen?
All my unanswered questions about me cause my head to ache. It cause more stress on my heart. Will I ever know?
The story about Beck was shocking to everyone. Not even the Elder's knew that Carter was sneaking around the vampires. He told us that after he found out about the death of his beloved, he knew what had happened. This is how we found out...
We still stood in the shaken up room with Carter, Beck, Crystal, Eric and the Elder's. Everone was frozen so our position stayed the same.
"I didn't understand. I did what he asked. I did everything, but he still took away the life of her. Before I knew it she was gone..." Sadness flowed off in his voice. Depression filled the room at our realization. Vincent caused the death of a beloved wife and mother.
"What-what did you agree to do," Beck could barely make out the words. His head hung low and still. This was the toughest thing he had to hear. I swear I felt his wolf whimper....
"He came to me one day..."
"Carter!" A voice yelled. I turned to see who it was. His scent was unusual, different, and definitely not our kind. I was alpha. I needed to protect our tribe. I stood up with raised fists and an angry look planted onto my face.
"Do I know you?" I snarled.
"No," He chuckled. "But your about too..."
The tall dark man walked around the cement bench, getting closer. "I have a proposition for you."
"Why would I make a deal with the likes of you," I retorted. I what he was. The stinch of blood already made it pat my nose. He was a threat. A vampire...
"Well, I 'll make this easier for you to chose. It's a deal of a lifetime," He smiled. His fingers grazed one of the Anemone flowers that were planted in the garden. I had plated those years ago since I found my wife. They were her favorite flower. As his fingers touched the petal, the flower desiccated. The once purple, beautiful flower was now shriveled up brown. It glided toward the ground and vanished. All left of me was shock... A vampire that had the power of touch had centuries of practice. Somehow he achieved it. Who was this guy?
"You and your wife weren't meant to be, right?" How did he know?
"You have two beautiful sons together. You were married. You were happy. Leave your wife or I'll kill her," He spoke. A shiver constricted on my spine. My body was unbearable to move.
"Leav-leave her? Your crazy. Why would I do that?" I questioned with frightened anger above me.
"You left your mate to be with a human. That is taboo. Plus its a win for me. I need her blood and your grief."
"For what?"
"You will find out.... sooner or later," I saw his fangs peak out of him obnoxious grin. "Your sons were created out of that taboo. You don't want them to end up splattered do you? Either you leave them and fix what's right or you'll suffer. It's your choice. If you really love your pathetic family then you would disappear"
I couldn't believe what he was saying. This can't be happening. This-this isn't right. We should chose who we love. The ritual worked. She's a wolf now. No... This is just nonsense. Beck, Eric, Pearl....
"I'll give you a few days to think about it," He said while footing toward the pathway.
I can't let this happen. My beloved gone?
"Wait!" I shouted. "I'll go. Just don't hurt any of them. I'll do it..."
"What?" We all said.
"Is-is it true Elders?" Beck scampered.
The main guy sighed. "Yes- Pearl, your mother, was human...."
I couldn't believe my ears. Beck's mom was like me. She was just a human and got into the tribe. Was she casted out too?
"That's-that's not true," Beck pleaded. "I was made outside the tribe rules and nobody told me?"
"Beck..." I whispered.
"I chose to leave. To save all of you," Carter admitted.
"Why did she end up dying anyways?"
"Turns out I never forgot your mother, so because I couldn't forget they forced me to live with the burden. Plus Vincent lied. He would of killed her anyways. There was no way around it, but there is now..."
"So basiclly he kills the families that don't belong together. Who does that?" I asked. My parents...
"It's a satonic ritual. Get the blood of all the bad blood," Carter explained.
"But mom was good. She was a great person!" Beck snapped.
"Yes, but we did create a taboo. I found out that a few prisoners disappeared, criminals were caught by them, and insane or mentally unstable criminals were gone too. But what's the most best blood? A sweet taste and bitter with a side of poison. The best blood comes from a person in love that went against the right of passage or taboo. Its pure, but bad at the same time. A perfect combination to fill their needs," Carter answered. Is that why I'm a target.... for my blood?
"He knew what was going to happen to Beck. He has his own personal reader. She can see into the future. He is after Carolyn... or he is luring you for your blood. I haven't figured that out yet."
"I knew something was going on with you dad," Eric spoke. We all turned our eyes on him.
"I mean... He said goodbye to me before and he had bags in his hands, but I never thought anything of it..." Eric mentioned.
"At mom's grave, Vincent came to see me and said spoke about mom and you... He foretold my future..." Beck said.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Carter turned to each of us. "Exspecially to Carolyn... I don't know why your parents didn't belong. I don't know why its you. The vampires were very descret about that part. I don't know anything about you... I'm sorry." He apologized.
My head went down. "Its-its o.k, I guess. At least Beck knows about him now." I managed to give a faithful smile.
"I won't leave her, Dad," Beck growled.
"I know son. That's why I came back. To help and avenge Pearl. You should chose who you want to be with. So Carolyn... I welcome you," Carter bowed before me.
"Thank you," I smiled. "Thank you so much." At least I know why he was targeting the wolves. As for me... I'll find that out for myself. It's my life, my past, and my family... I deserve to figure this out on my own.
"Are you ready to find out about the Vampires?" Carter asked.
I walked to Beck's side and grabbed his hand. I looked up at him as he looked down on me. My lips touched the softness of his cheek. I smiled, "Yes..."

In The Shadows
Про оборотнейI love him with all my heart. My chest hurts and burns with pain when I think about leaving him. I know I won't feel his warmth lying next to me or his soft kisses on my tears that I cry. I know he feels broken hearted too, but he knows its for the...