Chapter 25 ~Shivers~

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3.) I'm like 80% italian. My grandpa came on a boat from Italy to america. The rest of me is british. I have a space between my front teeth to prove it xD its small but its there



~The couch seemed softer some how. More sunk in, more comfortable. I wanted to sit here for the longest time if I could. My tired, restless body felt like it was on air. I sat on this couch many times before, but now it's like this was the first time. The soft fabric lifted on my body. I wanted to close my eyes and sleep forever, but I couldn't. I had a job to do. I was worn out because of today, but that was just the start. Soon I will weak and torn. This was a test. Even though I wasn't physically broken down, but I was mentally drained. My nightmares have gotten worst... I'm going to have to fight soon. There is no dodging it. The end is near, I can feel it...



~ After Tracey and Charlotte left, I was still boarded up in shock. They are staying? That's bad...very, very bad. My brother, his girlfriend...Vincent.

All of a sudden strong hands gripped around my frozen body. My face pressed against Beck's chest. I sunk into his arms. My hands flung onto him, not wanting to let go. I grabbed his strong back. His tee-shirt crumbled in my fingers.

"Beck-," The words barley left my throat. I wanted to breakdown again. I must be strong, I told myself.

His face buried deeper into my hair. "Shh, I know."

"I feel like a failure. It was suppose to be only me. Only me! Now my brother has come into this? How will we keep him away?"

"I know you care deeply for your brother. Those words were the first thought in my mind when they told us, but please don't worry. Answers will come in time," Beck soothed.

I pushed away in a fusterated manner. "How can you keep me safe and my brother?"

His hands ruffled through his hair," I haven't thought that far."

His eyes crystallized into mine as he grabbed a hold of my hands. "Look all we have to do is not let Vincent know. You brother will be safe if he doesn't know or comes near us where Vincent is watching."

"But isn't he always watching..." My voice trailed off in uncertainty.

Beck's silver eyes glowed as if he was shifting. His laughter filled the room.

"Are you under estimating our wolves... We have keen smell and I know his scent," He smiled under his own spell.

"Did you smell him in the hallway?" I calmly asked. I still had the evidence of what happened earlier.

"No..I smelled something dead..." Beck said  rubbing his forehead.


His word send shivers down my spine. "What do-do you mean dead?"

"I'm not sure. Usually I am very good at scamming people out, but this.. this just seems out of my range. Like a barrier was built between this world of supernatural and the next. It was the same with you.. I couldn't smell anything on you.. not even a human scent."

My eyes expanded at his words. More shivers violated their way through my blood. I'm pretty sure this is Vincent's work. I am human. How couldn't I have a smell?

"That-that can't be.." I said raising my head up to his.

"I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to freak you out even more then what's going on."

"Well, I know now Beck. I'm going to be stronger than I am now, so I expect the truth," I said standing my ground.

His smile shocked me, " I know, Angel. Your special and that's your smell. You'll beat Vincent."

"We'll beat him," I grinned.

His palm brushed on my cheek as his lips crashed onto mine. Soft smooth kissing melted my soul to the core. I kissed back meeting his motions. My eyes closed as we got more into it.

"Us," he smirked as his forehead rested on mine.



I still feel his salty lips pressed on mine. I still feel his arms tightly closed on my body. I wasn't alone, but he drifted away. I feel asleep on the couch after explaining about that note. That damn little paper that cause me to cry. It was a mistake. I just found out about another world, but now its crashing down. It's happening too fast. I couldn't handle it. Two different things were after me. I broke down under pressure. I take it back. I should of just smiled and walked away, but I didn't. I caused this on myself.

Beck stayed the night, but his body made its way to the other side of the couch. I dreamed peacefully until all darkness contrasted into reality. My nightmare appeared inside my head, but my body took the fall. Somehow I knew this nightmare was going to keep me in for a longer ride. I wasn't prepared... I wasn't awake. I was just sucked into another life threatening situation.

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