Chapter 16 ~Splashes and Kisses~

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A/N( so we got a Christmas tree! And its like my first one ever...yup 16 and haven't had a tree. So i decided to surprise my mom with my decorating boyfriend helped. It was i was even surprised...and proud of myself i wrote a note to my mom about how i wanted to do this for her and i love her. So later when i come home i start balling my eyes mom changed the design only to say she 'tweaked it'. Only 2 things of mine were still on there....i was so sad. She didn't see me tear up but i just felt like the worst person ever for even thinking that this was a great idea....

so here is a happy chapter to take my mind off of things :')


~ I tossed and turned during my rest. I couldn't settle my mind down. It was racing, but stuck so I didn't wake up.

I was going corner to corner, searching. I didn't know for what, but it seemed like it was important. I went down to a dark alley way. I felt someone's presences there. Fire started around us. I jumped back a bit. She turned facing me and my mouth left shock. Her face was burned...terrifying. Her torchered screams dragged through the emptiness. She was closer now. Her hands ripped something away from my chest....the pendant. She crushed it in her hands as I stood there breathless. The pieces dropped onto the flaming ground. I looked up at her with widen eyes. Her face was visible now...i recognized her.


I sprung up from my bed. Breathing heavily and clenching on my bed sheets. Closing my eyes forced shut, I screamed.

Why? What-what did it mean?

I couldn't wrap my head around what just occurred. The bed covers were soaked. My hands and forehead sweated them. It was almost morning and it felt like the dream  consumed my whole night. My head wouldn't stop throbbing from the nightmare.

Fire; Flames.

I stretched my hair back giving me room to breath. I went and looked around for a ponytail. On my nightstand the pendant laid. I grabbed my empty chest. It wasn't on me last night....


~ "You look terrible today," pointed out Carla.

"No sleep," I mumbled. I rested on the car door.

"Be in a better mood, o.k? Remember beach?" Her shoulder bumped me. I groaned and pulled my sweatshirt hood over my head. Carla invited me to go to the beach. Rene was busy and Ben didn't want to come with. Travis was working, so Carla dragged me along. It was hot with few breezes, but I didn't care I was still tired. I couldn't go back to sleep after that nightmare. I been spending my quiet time figuring out why I dreamt that. I didn't know and it was time consuming. It bothered me. Not only did I quickly put on the pendant. I got a strange feeling that not having it on caused my nightmare. I met a werewolf that was my friend I don't think this world is normal. I really need to find out and I know who has the answers.

We settled down by the salty water. Right away we took off our stuff. Carla's bikini was pink flowers with a ruffle swim skirt. I had on an aqua standard bikini. The warm hot sand printed around my feet as my flops were left behind. I trailed my way to the water slowly. Carla ran and jumped in. Only a few people were out at the beach.  We made sure we had our own private spot.

With our hair wet and skin salty I managed to have a pretty good time. We were laughing, splashing, and sun bathing. I reached the shallow end for a breath. It was a great way to keep my mind off things.

I went underwater to keep my hair wet until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I dunked back up to see Carla next to me.

"What?" I asked. Her finger stretched out and pointed on the beach. I turned my head thinking she was just joking around. Then I saw... everywhere I go he's there. Its like we can't be apart.

Beck. I whispered the voice into my mind. He showed up with guys from school. I didn't even know they were friends. Andrew and Clayton rushed their clothes off. Beck on the other hand sat down in his trunks and tank top. His biceps flexed as he held his hands together. His skin shined against the sunny breeze. He was like a photoshopped model.

I made my way out of the water leaving Carla. I need to talk to him. I just had to.

I stopped half way through on the sandy beach. My footprints stopped because now his were appearing. He saw me and decided to walk away, leave. I ran. I ran for him. After him. I ran behind a giant rock.

"Beck!" I yelled for him. His strong body stopped in place. I couldn't help look at his defined back.

"What?" He snarled.

I walked closer and catched my breath.

"What's wrong? You haven't been at school and you been avoiding me since- since."

"Since my uncle," He finished.

"Yes," I closed my eyes and breathed out.

"Well, what you want to know?"

I opened my eyes and spoke," Everything."

His body turned and his jaw clenched. Fists took over his hands.

"You can't."

"Why not?" I gestured my hands up.

He's closer know.

"You really want to know?" I nodded.

"Really?" His breath was in my hair now. I could smell pine on him. It was intensifying. My head reached his middle chest.

"Yes," I looked up to him.

"Meet me at the clock tower by 12:00pm tomorrow. Then, I'll show you." His hand grazed my cheek softy as his nose touch mine.

I couldn't say anything. I couldn't move. He just planted his lips on mine. They crashed together insync. My eyes closed automatically. His lips were soft, smooth. I wanted to melt into his arms. His tongue licked my bottom lip and I grabbed him closer. It felt like we kissed for hours, but it was only a few minutes.

Then his body pulled away catching his breathing. His back turned his back to me. I was speechless. I was stuck. I was hypnotized.

This was the kiss I always imagined happening, but then it was gone.

He left after that. Didn't say anything...just left.

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