Chapter 29 ~Tinted Windows~

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7.) My hands are freakishly small and so are my feet... 5 in shoes.  Like my pinkie on my hand has to be like 2in-2 1/2. I had to quit band because I couldn't reach the keys on the clarinet xD

P.s my mom has the same size hands o.o and feet

No words can subscribe my excitement to all my readers and fans n.n i wanna thank you guys for all the support ;D thank u lovelies

Comment, vote!! ,faaan


~ We were going now. Right now. Nate or 'Uncle Nate' as I'm suppose to call him in front of the elders, has a car. A black Lincoln was waiting outside in my apartment complexes parking lot. Beck and I froze when he said he would help us. He knew and he wasn't going to punish Beck for being near me. I guess that's good. I ended up on his bad side last time I saw Nate. He wasn't just angry at Beck, but with me too. I was seeing his nephew behind his back and that caused Beck to be in danger too. I get why he was protect. Was it all my fault? What if Beck got hurt or killed? Would it still be my fault?

I felt so responsible. I know I shouldn't, but Beck is important to me. My brother is important to me. Everyone's lives are important to me. Their precious lives may be destroyed because I'm just a human. A tiny pathetic human who cries of fright, who let people push her around, and the one responsible for her parent's death. I want to do more. I want to be strong. I just don't know if I can handle it... I don't want to let anyone down. I don't want to run, but is being scared so wrong?

The pressure of packing was compressed on me. Beck's things were already done... Nate packed them. All the waiting was on me. I didn't even know what to pack. What do you wear to you werewolves friend's cabin and going to a meeting with other wolves? I don't think there is an outfit for that. I know Nate said I meant everything to Beck, but nothing else happened expect for a few kisses. I can't help thing that I was just a girl and not his. I want to be his. Yeah... I want him to be mine. I grinned.

Even though I was smiling at my realization for my feelings toward Beck, three of my bags still sat on my bed...empty. Rummaging through my closet for clothes was like a challenge. I just grabbed a few tank-tops and Pajama pants. Jeans and a few sweaters were next. I threw all my make-up, brushes, and toothpaste in the last bag. My closet was still full, but like I said I didn't know what to bring. I sighed out my bedroom door, hoping the clothes I had were good enough.

Beck held my hand so tightly that I thought I would crumble under his grip. He looked nervous, scared. Maybe it was because the Elders knew, or we were all in danger. I couldn't figure out what it was. I stared at him with my eyes squinted, scrutinizing him. He had little beads of sweat forming on his forehead. His silver eyes shot straight, not moving them. His posture was straight and not relaxed. He was stiff, but each time we got closer to the car his grip would get constricted. Was he scared like I was?

The tinted windows of the car gave more uneasiness into my mind. The driver was wearing a black tux and cap. Beck and I sat in the back as Nate moved to the passenger side. The leather seats made sound when I scooted into the car. Beck, not letting go of my hand, scooted on the same side. I scooted more until I reached the other seat. Beck slid right in his spot. Our fingers intertwined with the pressure of the roaring car. It was starting. No turning back now.

We drove out of the parking lot and onto the street. We were heading west from New Jersey. We were going on the highway with the forest on the side. Trees surrounded us. The same trees where I first met Shadow. The forest was huge, but I never thought it expanded all the way to the highway. What was nerve wrecking was it was silent. No one was talking. Beck was still stiff as a board. I fluttered my eyes down in sadness. I did this to him. No music or anything, so I was just silent with my own thoughts. That was dangerous because I didn't want to think something I'll regret or try to convince myself not to do this. Someone please talk.....

"O.k, what do you guys want to talk about?" Nate said looking back at me and laughing.

"Woah, the whole mind thing freaks me out. Could you not go into my thoughts?" I snared.

His hands went up and he shook them," Sorry, I just wanted to know more about you. It's hard on you, you that?"

I tilted my head in question.

"I can't read what your thinking unless you say it to yourself. That's very unusual. I have to admit I was pretty ticked off when I couldn't fully go into your mind," Nate spoke.

"Sorry..." I sorrowed. My head dropped down. I made him mad...

"No, it's perfectly fine. I meant it as a compliment. Your special and not even the Elders can figure out why. Or why you were chosen. You can use the deflect on Vincent," Nate explained.

"So... he can read minds too?" I asked lifting my head up and making eye contact.

"Every vampire can, ask Danny here," He pointed his finger to the driver.

"Wait? He's a vamp-vampire..." I almost choked right there.

"Dammit Nate I told you it's Dan! We aren't little boys anymore," Danny- I mean Dan said.

As Nate responded to Dan I took that time to examine Beck. I sighed as he was still frozen... Oh Beck... I'm so sorry.

"You didn't mean for this to happen Carolyn," I snapped my eyes at Nate as he spoke my name.

"I heard that," Dan said.

"In battle you have to not speak to yourself no matter what," Nate inhaled. "If you do Vincent could read up on our attacks."


"Your going to fight with the wolves, Carolyn," Nate sadly said. "Dan will teach you about vampires..."

I felt Beck's hand shake and shake. I quickly snapped out of the conversation. I was going to battle, but my concern was Beck. I care for Beck right now. He was glenched. Glenched hands, jaw, and body. He was shaking all over, holding onto something. His teeth grind together. I could hear a snarl come from his sealed voice. His face was down and looking away as he tensed up with more power.


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