Chapter 4 ~Fierce Wolf~

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(A/N) this chapter WAS going to be 2 parts but I seperated them lol. So NEXT chapter you will find out who Isaac is x3 ! I posted a photo of the couples Rene and Ben! Next chapter is Carla and Travis's photo! U r not gonna see Justin cuz you'll find out xp! Thx for voting x3! Thx to HalloweenGirl_13 and Big_Red for fanning mee :) u guys inspired me to post more chapters cuz I know tht my book is going well!

Comment plz and v0tE 

Xoxo RA€

~ "Do you want a drink Carolyn?" Justin asked showing me a cooler full of beers. He started to get more annoying when we showed up at the campsite. His hair was messy and it looks like he was restless, proof from the bags occurring under his eyes. We arrived at the campsite about an hour ago. Even though I didn't have the time I could still tell by the way the sky shifted form. It was a cloudless night with the bright stars shining over us. Our tents were set up already near the closing of trees. The fire was set up in the middle where three logs set around it. A few more logs were resting across the place where we were camping. I was still next to the truck afraid if I moved more into the darkness I would get sucked in by Justin. Carla was near the fire kissing Travis. I thought it was romantic of how gently he was kissing and touching her. Ben was grabbing towels and sodas from the back of the truck. A gust of wind blew my hair in front of my face, but I still caught a glimpse of Rene sneaking off into the woods with a lantern.  

I finally replied to Justin," No, thank you. I'm not a big drinker." I don't think my fake smile fooled anyone except for drunk Justin who just shrugged. I bet on my favorite movie by Tim Burton that Justin went drinking before he arrived here. In the corner of eye I saw Ben standing close to us with his hands full. 

"He was nervous about camping two whole days with you that he had a little drink before he came here. Maybe more than a little, but that's why he is being stupid," laughed Ben. Looks like my observations were right on target about Justin. Justin tugged on my sweatshirt. 

"Feeding lies, Benny Boo? She's mine," I could smell the alcohol on his breath. The smell made me want to throw up.  

"Whatever Justin. Rene is waiting for me anyways, so I'll see you guys around. Be safe," Ben gave a wink before running off into the depths of the woods. He's words left my mouth hung open. That was probably the most disturbing thing I heard in my life. I saw Ben's shadow disappear. I wanted to scream out, No don't leave me with this moron! But my words, like always, stayed silent. I wonder why Ben and Rene went into the woods. What if Shadow comes out? Maybe I should go too. If I went it would keep this moron's hands off of me. Again gravity or fate was calling out to me to go into the woods and find my wolf. As usual I couldn't because Justin wrapped his arms around my thin waist, holding me in place. 

"So you want to join those two?" Justin whispered closely into my ear. He was referring to Carla and Travis. A voice entered my mind and I realized it was my thoughts saying, Do that with Justin? I think not. Carla had her hands grabbing Travis's brown hair  

and she was resting her legs on his lap. Travis's hands were set softly on her back. It looked like if he touched her hardly that she would break into a million pieces. But in my mind I'm thinking that I rather sit by myself alone the rest of the night than do that with Justin. No offense Justin is a really sweet guy, but right now he's drunk and I don't really trust him alone with me. 

I released his grip around me and pushed him away with both hands," Justin I think we should talk." 

"Oh, so serious," His hands raised up in a sarcastically matter. I grabbed his free hand when it collapsed to his side and nearly dragged him to the logs that were near the forest, but far away from Carla and Travis. I sat him down on the round log. He was like a child. I sat down next to him, but still keeping some distance. I folded my hands together as I talked to him and explained things. 

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